
Step 1: Fill out the registration form. If you've already filled the form, go to step 2.

Step 2: Make the payment by following the instructions below.

Step 3: Send an email to as mentioned in Step 4 of the payment instructions.

Payment instructions

After filling the concert registration form (if you've already filled it, you don't need to fill it again), please return to this page and follow the instructions below.

  1. The data you entered into the form should have been sent to your email address. Please check your SPAM folder. Locate the number of regular tickets you requested. Please send us an email ( if you are not able to find this information.

  2. Please transfer Rs. 400 x (number of regular tickets) to the following account.
    Name of the account holder: AMA
    Bank: Central Bank of India
    Account number: 1451123545
    IFSC: CBIN0283996
    Click here for other bank details.

  3. If you prefer to pay by cheque, please send us an email (

  4. Once you have successfully transferred the amount, send us by email ( the reference number of your transfer, its date and time. We will let you know by email when your tickets are ready.

  5. Many of you have generously promised to make additional donations to AMA. We will approach you later if we need these donations. For now, please transfer only the amount corresponding to your regular tickets.

Thank you for your support.