what is reddit premium

Reddit Premium Version: A Comprehensive Review

Reddit is a social media platform that offers a vast collection of content on virtually any topic. With millions of active users, it is a hub for discussions, debates, and sharing of various types of media, including text, pictures, and video.

However, Reddit offers two variations of its services; the free version and a premium version. The premium version comes at a cost but offers added benefits that are not available in the free version. In this comprehensive review, we’ll discuss Reddit Premium Version and weigh the benefits of having a premium subscription.

What is Reddit Premium Version?

Reddit Premium Version is a subscription-based service that offers users an ad-free browsing experience, access to exclusive subreddits, and other additional benefits. Reddit introduced the premium version in 2018, and since then, the service has gained popularity among frequent Reddit users.

Reddit Premium Version is available to users on a monthly or yearly subscription basis. Subscribing to the service grants users access to exclusive features that are not available to the free version users.

What Benefits Does Reddit Premium Version Offer?

1. Ad-Free Browsing Experience

Reddit is an ad-supported platform, and it’s not uncommon to come across ads on almost every page. However, the Premium Version offers an ad-free browsing experience, which eliminates all ads across the site. This means no more ads running between posts or pop up banner ads as you browse through the site.

2. Exclusive Access to Reddit Lounge

One of the most coveted features of the premium version is access to the Reddit Lounge. The Lounge is a private subreddit that is only accessible to premium users. The subreddit is a place for premium users to connect with other users and engage in discussions. This exclusive community is an ideal place to meet with like-minded people and share interests.

3. Customizable Reddit Themes

Premium Version users can customize their Reddit experience to suit their preferences. The service allows for customizations such as the theme color of the site and the appearance of the ‘Front Page.’ This feature is particularly useful for users who spend lots of time on the website and want a personalized experience.

4. Highlighted New Comments

With Premium Version, users will have their new comments highlighted in different colors, making it easier to track conversations in real-time. This feature makes it easy for users to keep track of specific conversations and identify new comments in a sea of comments.

5. Additional Comment Features

Premium users can also perform additional comment features, including highlighting of top-level comments, displaying parent comments, and the ability to disable inbox notification for comments on specific posts.

6. Additional Post Features

With the Premium Version, users can perform additional post features, including the option to delay posting, control when comments are sorted, and control the appearance of the post.

7. Creddit and Coins

When a user subscribes to the Premium Version, they receive Creddit, which is Reddit’s virtual currency. Creddit can be used to give awards to posts and comments that users find valuable. Creddit can also be used to purchase Coins, which can be used to grant Silver, Gold, and Platinum awards to content and comments that users find valuable.

Is Reddit Premium Version Worth It?

The benefits of Reddit Premium Version are undoubtedly impressive. The exclusive subreddit, ad-free browsing, customizable themes, and additional comment and post features are features that many users would love to have. However, whether the premium subscription is worth it or not depends on the user's usage, personal preference, and financial situation.

If you’re a heavy Reddit user that spends lots of time on the site and wants a personalized experience, the Premium Version may be worth it. On the other hand, if you’re an occasional Redditor, the benefits of the premium version may not justify the cost.

It’s also worth noting that Reddit Premium Version is an entirely optional service, and you can still enjoy the platform without using the Premium Version. It all boils down to your personal preference.


Reddit Premium Version is an optional service that offers exclusive features that are not available in the free version. The premium version offers users an ad-free browsing experience, access to exclusive subreddits, customizable themes, and additional comment and post features, among other benefits.

Whether the Premium Version is worth it or not will depend on the user's usage, personal preference, and financial situation. Ultimately, whether to subscribe to the premium version or not is your choice. Nonetheless, the benefits are undoubtedly impressive for users who spend lots of time on the site and want a personalized experience.

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