Art/Photography Contest



a. showcases the effects of melting glaciers, polar ice caps, or rising sea levels.


b. Illustrates how climate change affects people, communities, and their daily lives.

*Submissions should be accompanied by a brief artist statement (max 200 words) explaining the concept and inspiration behind your work.


a. artistically represents the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events caused by climate change and their impact on communities. 


b. depicts ways to raise awareness about the threat to ecosystems and biodiversity caused by climate change. 


c. portrays the risks faced by communities as a result of rising sea levels and the need for adaptation

*Submissions should be accompanied by a brief artist statement (max 200 words) explaining the concept and inspiration behind your work.



The “Art for Earth:  contest is open to individuals or teams of middle and high school students within Grades 6-12. Each participant/team must have parental or guardian consent. 


All Photography/Visual Art submissions must revolve around the theme of climate change and its impact on the environment. The submissions should aim to raise awareness, inspire action, or explore potential solutions related to climate change.

Technical Requirements:

a. All artwork/ must be original and not publicly shared before. 

b. Photography/artwork should be in a common digital format (e.g., png, jpeg, pdf, e.t.c. ) and not exceed a specified file size or duration (e.g., 10 GB).

c. Photography/artwork should be of sufficient quality and resolution to be easily viewed and understood. 

Content Guidelines:

-  Photography/artwork must be respectful, free of offensive or inappropriate content, and adhere to copyright laws.

Submission Process:

a. Participants must complete the official entry form available on Google Forms

b. Photography/artwork must be uploaded to a specified platform or submitted via a provided link.

c. Each participant/team can submit only one entry per section.