Photos, Videos & Short Stories

Sister Katy Huanaco, Director of the Incarnate Word Sisters, Oficina de Justicia, Paz y Tierra

Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D., Religious Studies, Ettling Center, University of the Incarnate Word

Cantagallo Shipibo-Konibo Community

Photos taken during our visit in May 2019

Top R to L: Sr. Katty Huanauco, Karina's mom, Cantagallo Mural, tent site in Cantagallo, & beaded bracelets by Shipibo women. Photo collage was shared by Sr. Katty.

Exercising their rights for health, education & construction for the Shipibo-Konibo Community

Short Story: Empowered Women Empower Others

Karina was in her community where she used to live in Pucallpa, Peru in the selva (jungle). When she sent the message she was in town buying some refreshments for the women and was able to get a connection to send the video. In the video she is teaching the women beaded art work and they are making coasters (posa vasos). This is an item that Karina had previously mentioned that she would have available to send for the second shipment to the U.S. Karina is able to empower other women teaching them beaded artistry. The coasters on this website are created by the women in this video. Below is a short video by Karina.


“Hola hermana Yesenia. Estoy en mi comunidad en selva ensenando como hacer mostacilla. Donde hay mucha necesidad y hambre en la noche. No tienen luz o energía. Las mamas que estoy ensenando son madres viuda, abandonada, por eso decidí trabajar con ellas su pedido para asi apoyar con algo hermana.”


Hello my sister Yesenia. I am in my community in the jungle teaching the women how to make beaded work. There is a great need and hunger at night. They don’t have light or energy. The mothers that I am teaching are either widowed or abandoned. That is why I decided to work with them on your request to support them with something sister."

Selva Pucallpa, Peru

From the donations and selling of artesian goods Karina is able to share the basic needs of food with the Shipibo-Konibo community in Cantagallo & Pucallpa, Peru. When you purchase an item from the women you are contributing to the well-being of this wonderful group of native indigenous Shipibo-Konibo Community. *

*100% of the proceeds are given to the Shipibo-Konibo Women's Group

Picture Collage from Recent Purchases

San Antonio, TX

San Angelo, TX

Del Rio, & San Antonio, TX

Dallas, TX

Chicago, IL

San Antonio, TX

Gatlinburg, TN

Del Rio, TX