
My books are self published with BLURB © 2013 - 2023 RPI Print, Inc.

The Future Was Here by J. F. Bautista

The Future Is Here by J. F. Bautista

The images in this book were taken during the civil unrest and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the city was placed under curfew from June 1-7, 2020. 

This book is a graphic documentary of the events occurred during and after COVID-19 and Civil Unrest in New York City 

The images in this timeline are a collection of my art work and exhibits in New York from
2017 to 2018. 

The primary use of the gargoyle was to illustrate evil through the form of the gargoyle. 

I work in a dark room therefore people call me the dark artist 

My normal instincts are to explore the uncharted dark underground ghost architectural world, at this time I'm doing it with a little help of Mandelbulb 3D, maybe you shouldn't. 

It is believed that advanced science and technology will allow utopia living standards; for example, the absence of death and suffering; changes in human nature and the human condition. 

Urban Explorer explores the Art and Architecture that we live in from: underground structures, individual houses, high risers, public and institutional buildings, parks, cities, abandoned places, details, designs, street art, graffiti, etc. 

It is a collection of graphic memories about moments and events, both public and private that took place in my life during the Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom missions that occurred from 03/19/2003 thru 07/19/2003 or 172,800 minutes in hell. 

Mostly I’m focused in the Social Urban Decay which is the process of disintegration of a previously flourished functioning city or part of a city that falls into disrepair and abandonment or...

Urban and architectural decay often appeals to my imagination. While some consider the un-finished parts of the city as ugly or disturbing...

In general, nocturnal subterranean species have less interest in the visual world, and depend on other sensory modalities. Visual capacity is a continuum, with parasites falling somewhere in the center. 

How a parasite benefits at the expense of the other?, I know them, I live with them, I work with them and I don't like it. 

Each haunting image on every page seems to struggle to free themselves from the clutches of eternal damnation, a mirror of my own experiences as a survivor in this cruel world 

This is a compilation of the most significant buildings designed and constructed over the last 25 years of my professional career as an architect, designer, architectural modeler etc. 

There once was a place of monumental cities with towers that swept an entire civilization… 

This book contains a collection of photographs taken during my travels around the world. 


This introduction to 19th-century, covers its many and varied styles of building, ranging from the austerity of the classical style which had its roots in the architecture of Greece and Rome, through the decorative and popular Gothic style to the innovative lines of Art Nouveau. 

J. F. Bautista AKA The Dark Artist
