
ART ACTION HUB opens at noon on Saturday, September 7th.

It is for YOU - to make art together with others - for the Global Climate Strike on September 27th @ City Hall.

Can’t wait to see you, share stories and tea, as we make more art AND rise together to put our countries on a path to sustainable, renewable environmental justice for everyone.

Who will be there?

Climate strikers, Sustainabiliteens, Activist, Artists, Climate Convergence, 350Vancouver... and others...

Who is invited to come?

Everyone !

How do I get involved ?

YOU are invited to join us by participating. Let us know HOW and WHEN you want to share your art. Making food? Running a workshop? Screening a film? Giving a talk? Making art? Taking pictures? Making short films? Bringing your students over to the Art Action Hub?

What can I do there?

Get involved preparing for the Global Climate Strike. Build and consume art, get educated ...

What can I expect to find there?

Some materials, like-minded people, art and music to enjoy, some food

What is provided?

Sometimes a chair, some art materials.

What should I bring?

Best option: for art builds, everything you will need for your project. Otherwise, work clothes. In general, it depends on the event.