

Students identified as having dyslexia may qualify for accommodations for academic assistance. The need for accommodations varies greatly from student to student. The determination of accommodations for each student should be individualized.

House Bill 1886 states that all first grade students will be screened for dyslexia by the middle of the year and all kindergarten students will be screened for dyslexia by the end of the year. A screening is NOT a full evaluation but is a quick assessment just looking for “red flags” or characteristics of dyslexia. After the screening, letters will be mailed home with the results of the screening. I will contact the parents if there is a concern for the need of possible further testing.

*** Dates for our Universal Reading Screening this year ***

Kindergarten 1st/2nd Grade

BOY- 6 weeks after the start of school BOY- 2 weeks after the start of school

MOY-Mid January MOY- Mid January (Dyslexia Screener)

EOY- Mid April (Dyslexia Screener) EOY- Mid April

What Are Some Common Accommodations for Students with Dyslexia?



• Provide access to audiobooks

• Provide access to text-to-speech software

• Provide a set of textbooks for home use

• Only ask the student to read aloud if he volunteers

• Provide extra time for reading assignments

• Provide a quiet environment for reading

• Allow student to preview reading materials


• Reduce spelling lists

• Design spelling tests with a common phonetic skill

• Do not take off points for spelling errors on written work

• Allow access to a spellcheck

• Provide access to word prediction software


• Provide a scribe

• Provide access to speech-to-text software

• Offer alternative projects instead of written reports

• Provide written copies of notes

• Minimize the amount of copying from the board

• Allow student to use a keyboard to take notes

• Allow student to tape record lectures

• Reduce written work

• Provide a letter formation strip

• Provide graphic organizers

• Grade assignments on content rather than form


• Reduce homework

• Allow student to dictate answers

• Allow typewritten homework

• Limit time spent on homework

• Email list of assignments to student or parent

• Provide written list of assignments


• Allow student to take tests orally

• Provide for extra time

• Read directions aloud

• Read test questions aloud

• Provide alternatives to testing

(oral projects or videos)

• Provide a quiet testing area with minimal distractions

• Grade in collaboration with special educator

• Clarify or simplify written directions