Volunteering / Internships 

Campus Engagement at Colorado State University:

As the Representative for the Chemistry Department serving as the communication channel between the department and the larger graduate student population, but also helping GSC directly with smaller tasks such as reviewing travel grant applications or judging research posters.

Reviewing new academic program proposals from a strategic and financial planning perspective and reporting recommendations to the relevant decision makers within the university. Additionally, finding metrics to evaluate current programs and monitor the on-going financial status of the University.

Reviewing proposals and allocating money to projects improving infrastructure on campus.

Member of a Graduate School organized group charged with preparing guidelines for graduate student mentoring and advising. 

In the role as the Financial Officer I enabled CGSO to receive additional funding opportunities through CSU. Additionally, I was involved in coordinating and planning of CGSO's inaugural seminar speaker series as well as introducing professional development events with the "Non-academic Careers in Chemistry".

Campus Engagement at Vienna University of Technology:

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE), Vienna, Austria (Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2007):

Involved in the process of organizing internships at universities and companies in Austria for university students in other countries. This further involved preparing these future trainees for their upcoming trip as well as helping them with the required administrative work after arriving in Austria. I also played a role in organizing and hosting IAESTE's carrier fairs in Vienna. From Aug. 2006 to Sep. 2007 I was the Board Member for Finances for IAESTE Vienna.

Volunteer Activities:

Royal London Society for the Blind, Seal near Sevenoaks, Kent, United Kingdom (Sep. 2007 – Sep. 2008)

Social Service as a replacement of the National Service in Austria: 

Learning Support Assistant in the PE and Music department at the Dorton House School for children with multiple disabilities. During that time work related courses were taken such as Manual Handling, Child Protection, and Autism.