
2024 Concerts

Sunday  3pm 12 May 2024
Old Teachers' College Auditorium
Nothing Too Serious
Conductor: Robert van Gend
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: two movements  Lully
Symphony No. 4 in F major  Boyce
Suite No. 1  Respighi
Piano Concerto No. 2 (second movement) Rachmaninoff
Soloist Max Buckland
Mercure  Satie

Sunday  3pm 11 August 2024
Lazenby Hall, UNE
Conductors: Jen Winley and Robert Jackson
Cello Concerto No. 1 Shostakovich
Soloist Nick Metcalfe
Concertino for Harp Tedesco
Soloist Isla Biffin
Jazz Suite No. 1 Shostakovich

Past Concerts

A list of details of many past concerts may be downloaded here.

Works performed by the Armidale Symphony Orchestra listed in alphabetical order of composer may be downloaded here.
Details include the date, conductor and soloist where relevant.

Conductor's Guidelines

The details of Guidelines for Conductors may be downloaded here.