just a quick update. If I compile the project with compiler V5.06 (so using Middlewares\ST\touchgfx\lib\core\cortex_m7\Keil\touchgfx_core.lib) it seem to compile fine. It doesn't seems to compile (linker error L6216E) when using compiler V6.18, i.e. using this library: Middlewares\ST\touchgfx\lib\core\cortex_m7\Keil6.x\touchgfx_core_wchar16.lib

ok in parts this was my fault, because i added some extra flags for testing in the past which i did not remove and had just forgotten. you "have to" use the armclang compiler with the AC5-like warnings settings or you are overwhelmed by all kind of warnings. so i tried to add some extra flags which seemed to make sense to me

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That is an incredibly old version and it is entirely possible that the code will not compiler under a modern version of GCC. As GCC versions get released they find issues with the code which have to be fixed.

If you are passing a two-dimensional array to a function:int array[NROWS][NCOLUMNS];f(array);the function's declarationmust match:void f(int a[][NCOLUMNS]){ ... }orvoid f(int (*ap)[NCOLUMNS])/* ap is a pointer to an array */{ ... }In the first declaration,the compiler performs the usualimplicit parameter rewritingof ``array of array''to ``pointer to array''(see questions6.3and6.4);in the second form the pointer declaration is explicit.Since the called function does not allocate space for the array,it does not need to know the overall size,so the number ofrows,NROWS,can be omitted.Thewidthof the array is still important,so thecolumndimensionNCOLUMNS(and, for three- or more dimensional arrays,the intervening ones)must beretained.

Normally, using --host ensures that a cross-compiler is used for building GCC, and that compiler knows that it has to look for headers and libraries in $LFS. But the build system of GCC uses other tools, which are not aware of this location. This switch is needed to have them find the needed files in $LFS, and not on the host.

As a finishing touch, create a utility symlink. Many programs and scripts run cc instead of gcc, which is used to keep programs generic and therefore usable on all kinds of UNIX systems where the GNU C compiler is not always installed. Running cc leaves the system administrator free to decide which C compiler to install:

CE Studio 6.18.1 does have Java 11 support but it still has Java 8 support. I think this is a matter of changing the java execution environment to point to openjdk 11 whilst still maintaining the compiler compliance level to be 1.8.

Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.5 is a Quality update for 10.0.35 (PU59) and 10.0.36 (PU60) and does not contain any adjustments in LAC365FO apart from a single deprecation introduced in standard Dynamics D365FO PU59/PU60.


Can one have more fine-grained control over which packages get redirected? This way, we could redirect only the framework and library packages into the project folder, making an exception for compiler toolchains and flash tools.

In one example in the above link, the timing from python is 4.956309795379639 ms and in julia is 2.585 ms (21 allocations: 6.18 MiB), about a factor of 2 better. I observed a similar pattern in other cases.

Thank you for your reply. I apologize that I overlooked at your point about 2-3 ms. Now I suppose it is about the timing 2.769 ms (21 allocations: 6.18 MiB).. And I should have expressed clearer about my question. I thought about using a simple example. In the actual calculations, the timing for one set of permutation with addition is about 5 second. (there are many), more worthwhile to exploit than millisecond scale.

In addition, if ROOT is compiled for a specific architecture, SIMD instructions can be used in PDF computations. This requires ROOT to be compiled with -march=native or e.g. -mavx2 if the hardware supports it. For maximal performance, ROOT should also be configured with -Dvdt=ON. VDT is a library of fast math functions, which will automatically be used in RooFit when available. Depending on the compiler, on the instruction set supported by the CPU and on what kind of PDFs are used, PDF evaluations will speed up 5x to 16x. For details see CHEP 2019.

A new type system has been added to Csound6, and significant changes have been made to the compiler. The previous system for handling types involved depending on the first-letter of a variable's name every time it was used to determine type. This meant there was a lot of re-checking of types. Also, adding new types was difficult, as there was a lot of custom code that had to be updated to check for new type letters.

The compiler has been modified since Csound5 to now use the type system as an integral part of its semantic checking phase. Variables are now registered into a CS_VAR_POOL when they are first defined, with the CS_VARIABLE having a reference to its CS_TYPE. After first time definition within the pool, the type information is then looked up in consequent variable lookups, rather than re-calculated from the variable name. This opens up possibilities for new variable naming and typing strategies, i.e. using "myVar:K" to denote a k-rate arg. This also opens up possibilities for user-defined types, such as "data myType kval, aval", then using "myVar:myType" to define a var of that type. (The previous is speculative, and is not an active proposal at this time.)

Hey all, 

i had a trouble dealing with the TM241CEC24T. The firmaware version that intstalled in the software Somachine V4.3 support just the version But the PLC that i have has a FW version 

Everytime when i try to connect the plc with my computre via Ethernet cable i got an error that there is a difference bewteen the online device and the selected one. I have tried to install the needed version but i couldn't. I have used SD card and that wasn't helpful. 

Anyone is familiar with this problem can help me. I am new in the Schneider PLC.

Thank you all for the support.

I struggled with the same problem - when I tried to start awe_server.exe (from Designer ver. 6.18.02) in a clean Win 10 from explorer I got a Windows error saying that the file msvcr100.dll couldn't be found. I searched for others having the same problem. It was recommended somewhere to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 which didn't solve the problem. After some more searching, including finding this thread, I installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 after which it worked!

The GraalVM Tools for Java are preferred since they delegate to the build system for running applications and tests which means there is no additional setup or differences with regard to how javac is configured for annotation processing when compared to the Java Extension Pack which is based on the Eclipse compiler.

The GraalVM Tools for Java are preferred since they delegate to the build system for running applications and tests which means there is no additional setup or differences with regards to how javac is configured for annotation processing when compared to the Java Extension Pack which is based on the Eclipse compiler.

The obvious disadvantage of this is that each application has to be modified to find the expected version.Fortunately, most of the applications call the wx-config script to determine the necessary compiler and linker flags.The script is named differently for every available version.Majority of applications respect an environment variable, or accept a configure argument, to specify which wx-config script to call.Otherwise they have to be patched. 2351a5e196

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