Arizona Linguistics

Circle 13

Research Across Linguistic Subfields

This is the official site for the Arizona Linguistics Circle, 2019 conference at the University of Arizona (ALC 13). The conference took place at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ, USA on October 25-27, 2019.

ALC is a scent-free conference.

Please read this word about disability from our Disability Cultural Center, at the University of Arizona for future conferences.

Copyright © Disability Cultural Center, All rights reserved.


Pictures of the conference ara available under our "Conference Pictures" tab! If you took any pictures during ALC13 that you would like to see on this website, send us an email and we will make it happen.

Presenters: Please consider publishing in our proceedings, the Coyote Papers.

The ALC13 Committee would like to all our volunteers, invited speaker presenters, and session chairs:

Amaris LeFay, Amber Lubera, Andrew Zupon, Angela Hughes, Cheonkam Jeong, Corey Roberts, Frances Lee-Forbes, Gabriela De La Cruz Sanchez, Dr. Heidi Harley, Jaycie Ryrholm Martin, Jesús E. González Franco, John Powell, Leighanna Pipatanangkura, Lucy Hall Hartley, Luis Irizarry, Matthias Mahoney, Megh Krishnaswamy, Dr. Mike Hammond, Mohammed AlShakhori, Patricia Lee, Ryan Walter Smith, Sayed Issa, Seongjin Park, Dr. Simin Karimi, Tyree Martin, Yiyun Zhao

Thank you all for making this conference possible!


  • Come check out Dr. Maria Polinsky's slides who has generously allowed us to put them online. (Find the slides scanning the QR Code on the right with your smartphone)

Invited Speakers:

Robin Clark; University of Pennsylvania

Maria Polinsky; University of Maryland

Andrew Carnie; University of Arizona

Conference Location

Friday: Haury 216


Haury Anthropology Building, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719

Saturday & Sunday: Marshall 490


Marshall Building, 845 N Park Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719

Saturday night reception: Gentle Ben's Brewing

Gentle Ben's Brewing, 865 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719

Anti-Harassment Policy

We believe that respect for all individuals and groups, the freedom of thought and expression, and the open exchange of ideas are central to the aims of the Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC). The ALC13 Organizing Committee would like to affirm our commitment to creating a respectful, healthy, and safe working environment for everyone, and this includes participants at the ALC13 conference and at all affiliated events. Any form of harassment and any disrespectful or hostile behavior is not welcome at the ALC13 conference or at any events associated with ALC.

Unwelcome behavior includes: speech or actions that intimidate, create discomfort, or interfere with a person's ability to participate in the ALC13 conference or in affiliated events; and any form of harassment, including but not being limited to degrading verbal comments, intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. We especially stand against any form of harassment that is based on race, gender, religion, age, color, appearance, national origin, ancestry, linguistic background, disability, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. We would like to also state that we do not condone any action or behavior which may lead to the acceptance or normalization of any form of misconduct.

Ultimately we intend for ALC to be an environment in which any such behavior does not occur. If you have any concerns or questions regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the ALC13 Organizing Committee for assistance.

You may contact us at:

arizonalinguisticscircle13 [at] gmail [dot] com

Follow us on Twitter @AzLingCircle and Instagram @ALC_UA for updates.

Keywords: ALC, ALC13, Arizona Linguistics Circle 13, University of Arizona, UA, UA Linguistics, UofA

We would like to gratefully thank our donors for their generous contribution to ALC 13.

*If you wish to become a sponsor, please contact us directly at