Top 10 Albums January 2019

01 Autumn Blues Stella XXL

02 Seasons Stella XXL

03 V/A - "Instrumental Arisk Star 2018"

04 Night Rendezvous Stella XXL

05 Catch the Сruiser Emden Nitokris to Babylon

06 Super-Puper Astika & Swastika

07 The Clear Falcon Finist

08 The Worse of Satanist

09 V/A - "Crimean Rock: Three Steps Up"

10 Synthesis of Yoga Tilak: Trance Yoga

Top 10 Songs January 2019

01 Vezna Krasna Stella XXL

02 The Demigods Nitokris to Babylon

03 Night Rendezvous Stella XXL

04 Along the Burned Villages Finist

05 Running on Waves Stella XXL

06 Leaf Fall Stella XXL

07 Egregor's Armor Finist

08 Crazy Ella Churchkhela Vril-Orden

09 Finist and Twenty-One Knives Finist

10 With Kaffa on Chokrak Vril-Orden

Top Artists 2018 music label Arisk Star

01 Stella XXL = 7.40530

02 Steppen Mack = 1.55015

03 Satanist = 0.80525

04 Batterring Ram of Assyria = 0.75308

05 Finist = 0.69651

06 Tilak: Trance Yoga = 0.32162

07 Astika & Swastika = 0.21817

08 Zoran Leleka Rock Group = 0.17706

09 Vril-Orden = 0.16579

10 Arisk Priest = 0.10790

11 Combat Chariots of Chersonesus = 0.06894

12 Alila Maskila = 0.05556

13 Nitokris to Babylon = 0.04730

14 Amper Nico = 0.00468

Top Artists 2017 music label Arisk Star

01. Stella XXL = 19,0

02. Satanist = 18,0

03. Tilak: Trance Yoga = 14,5

04. Astika & Swastika = 14,0

05. Steppen Mack = 10.5

06. Сombat Сhariots of Chersonesus = 10,1

07. Arisk Priest = 9,0

08. Zoran Leleka Rock Group = 8,0

09. Amper Nico = 7,7

10. Vril-Orden = 2,2

11. Batterring Ram of Aššyria = 1,5

12. Amper Alex Nico = 1,3

13. Astika = 1,2

14. Finist = 1,0

15. Andra : Climatic Weapons Thermostatic = 0,8

16. Thule-Orden = 0,6

17. Aryan Algebra = 0,5

18. Alila Maskila = 0,4

19. Swa = 0,3

20. The Ballads Of The Elder Of Zion = 0,1

Top Artists 2016 music label Arisk Star

01. Stella XXL = 16

02. Satanist = 10

03. Vril-Orden = 9,5

04. Finist = 9,0

05. Astika = 7,5

06. The Ballads Of The Elder Of Zion = 7,0

07. Batterring Ram of Aššyria = 6,5

08. Сombat Сhariots of Chersonesus = 6,0

09. Zoran Leleka Rock Group = 4,0

10. Steppen Mack = 2.5

11. Astika & Swastika = 2,5

12. Arisk Priest = 2,5

13. Amper Nico = 1,5

14. Tilak: Trance Yoga = 1,5

15. Andra : Climatic Weapons Thermostatic = 0,5

16. Thule-Orden = 0,5

17. Aryan Algebra = 0,5

18. Amper Alex Nico = 0,5

19. Swa = 0,5

20. Bosporsky Griffins = 0,5

Top Artists 2015 music label Arisk Star

01. Zoran Leleka Rock Group = 19,0

02. Сombat Сhariots of Chersonesus = 18,5

03. Amper Nico = 12,0

04. Astika & Swastika = 9,5

05. Satanist = 9,0

06. Amper Alex Nico = 8,5

07. Tilak: Trance Yoga = 8.5

08. Steppen Mack = 8,0

09. Astika = 7,0

10. Swa = 6,0

11. Bosporsky Griffins = 5,5

12. Vril-Orden =5,5

13. Andra : Climatic Weapons Thermostatic = 3,5

14. Stella XXL = 3,5

15. The Ballads Of The Elder Of Zion = 3,0

16. Mitchel Leleka = 1,5

17. Thule-Orden = 1,5

18. Arisk Priest = 1,0

19. Baron 3De Rothschild = 1,0

20. Finist = 0,5

21. Priest = 0,5

Top Artists 2014 music label Arisk Star

01. Steppen Mack = 24,5

02. Bosporsky Griffins = 11,0

03. Stella XXL = 10,5

04. Thule-Orden = 10,5

05. Astika & Swastika = 8,0

06. Mitchel Leleka = 7,5

07. Tilak: Trance Yoga = 7,5

08. Amper Nico = 2,5

09. Vril-Orden = 2,5

10. Arisk Priest = 2,0

11. Finist = 1,5

12. Priest = 1,0

13. The Ballads Of The Elder Of Zion = 1,0

14. Tsar Yama = 1,0

15. Гиперборея = 1,0

16. Kali Yuga = 0,5

Top Artists 2013 music label Arisk Star

01. Steppen Mack = 28,0

02. Astika & Swastika = 14,0

03. Stella XXL = 13,0

04. Andra : Climatic Weapons Thermostatic = 9,0

05. Vril-Orden = 7,5

06. The Ballads Of The Elder Of Zion = 6,5

07. Thule-Orden = 6,5

08. Baron 3De Rothschild = 5,5

09. Amper Nico = 2,5

10. Tilak: Trance Yoga = 2,5

11. Tsar Yama = 1,5

12. Aryan Algebra = 1,0

13. Arisk Priest = 0,5

14. Finist = 0,5

Top Album of the year music label Arisk Star

2001 Land (Amper Nico) Cyprus

2002 Forest Filosofem (Arisk Priest) Russia

2003 Mithra II (Amper Nico) Cyprus

2004 Furer Furee (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2005 Ясный Сокол (Finist) Russia

2006 W+B=W (Aryan Algebra) Cyprus

2007 Tilak II (Tilak: Trance Yoga) Cyprus

2009 Aryans & Jewels (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2010 S.T.A.L.I.N (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2011 Vril-Orden (Vril-Orden) Ukraine

2012 Parade of Planets (Stella XXL) Russia

2013 Володарі (Steppen Mack) Ukraine

2014 З Кафы на Чокрак.XI (Steppen Mack) Ukraine

2015 Навуходоносор II (Сombat Сhariots of Chersonesus) Ukraine

2016 Churchkhela (Vril-Orden) Greece

2017 Night Rendezvous (Stella XXL) Russia

2018 Seasons (Stella XXL) Russia

Top Song of the year music label Arisk Star

2001 Terror of Kings (Amper Nico) Cyprus

2002 Sansara (Thule-Orden) Greece

2003 Leo (Amper Nico) Cyprus

2004 Furer Furee (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2005 Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Tilak: Trance Yoga) Cyprus

2006 Formula New Hyperborea (Aryan Algebra) Cyprus

2007 Aryan Zone (Tilak: Trance Yoga) Cyprus

2008 Bombardments of Carpets (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2009 Tamerlania (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2010 Thor's Hammer (Astika & Swastika) Cyprus

2011 Vril-Orden (Vril-Orden) Ukraine

2012 Mercury (Stella XXL) Russia

2013 Генрі Морган - Володар Флібуст'єрського Моря (Steppen Mack) Ukraine

2014 На Кафу падает дождь (Steppen Mack) Ukraine

2015 Ночной Колесничий (Сombat Сhariots of Chersonesus) Ukraine

2016 Crazy Ella Churchkhela (Vril-Orden) Greece

2017 Summer Festival (Stella XXL) Russia

2018 Vezna Krasna (Stella XXL) Russia

Top 10 Best Songs of 2018 (Sales rating)

01 Vezna Krasna (Stella XXL) 2,53240

Album "Seasons"

02 Night Rendezvous (Stella XXL) 2,25005

Album "Night Rendezvous"

03 Running on Waves (Stella XXL) 1.32262

Album "Night Rendezvous"

04 Summer Festival (Stella XXL) 0.84510

Album "Night Rendezvous"

05 Hanging .Hell (Batterring Ram of Assyria) 0,45586

Album "Bloody Lioness from the Temple of Ishtar"

06 Along the Burned Villages (Finist) 0,42984

Album "The Clear Falcon"

07 Leaf Fall (Stella XXL) 0.15100

MS "Autumn Blues"

08 Двурогая Звезда (Satanist) 0.13496

Album "Two-Horned Star"

09 Winter (Stella XXL) 0,12768

Album "Seasons"

10 Finist - The Clear Falcon (Finist) 0,12271

Album "The Clear Falcon"

Top 10 Best Songs of 2017 (Sales rating)

01 Summer Festival (Stella XXL) 5.6170

Album "Night Rendezvous"

02 Running on Waves (Stella XXL) 0.7790

Album "Night Rendezvous"

03 Leaf Fall (Stella XXL) 0.1510

MS "Autumn Blues"

04 Two Horned Star (Satanist) 0.0961

Album "Two-Horned Star"

05 Feast Among Severed Heads (Batterring Ram of Assyria) 0,0931

Album "Bloody Lioness from the Temple of Ishtar"

06 Plaster Lions (Batterring Ram of Assyria) 0,0806

Album "Bloody Lioness from the Temple of Ishtar"

07 Thunders and Lightings (Amper Nico) 0.0711

Album "Dr. Amp In the Epicenter of Attentionf"

08 Дьявольское спокойствие, Родина моя! (Satanist) 0.0438

Album "Two-Horned Star"

09 I'll Give You A Flower of Fern (Finist) 0,0399

EP "Blind Idols"

10 Золотые мысли (Satanist) 0.0385

Album "Two-Horned Star"

Chart Arisk Star