Precision Measurement Lab
Welcome to the Precision Measurement Lab led by Dr. Arijit Sharma at the Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati. We are a new group in experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics at the Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati. We are also an integral part of CAMOST (Center for AMO Science and Technology), jointly hosted by IIT Tirupati and IISER Tirupati.
Our research interests are in the following areas:
Quantum communication - quantum memories & quantum repeaters under the NQM
Atomic clocks, frequency metrology - portable atomic clocks
Precision laser spectroscopy of atoms, ions and molecules
Laser cooling and trapping of cold and ultracold atoms, ions and molecules
Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) of atoms, molecules and plasma
Quantum sensing using color/vacancy centers in diamond/Silicon/Germanium/Silicon carbide/neutral atoms/ions
Applications of quantum technologies
Fundamental physics searches
Our lab focuses on developing new experimental tools for precision measurements and employing them to address key problems in fundamental science and develop practical applications of quantum technologies. Recent developments on such systems have opened the door to an emerging field at the interface between atomic physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum information science. We are developing experiments in the above research areas of interest to address fundamental questions related to quantum communication, precision spectroscopy and frequency metrology. Primarily we are working towards the development of quantum memories and quantum repeaters for applications in quantum networks and quantum communication. We are also developing portable atomic clocks based on trapped ions and warm atomic vapor for quantum positioning and precision timing applications. Interested students looking for Ph.D. positions in our group may apply here.
New opportunities (paid undergraduate and postgraduate internships, funded PhD and Postdoctoral positions) in the Precision Measurement Lab through the TIH (Technology Innovation Hub) on PPT (Positioning and Precision Technologies) vertical under the NM-ICPS (National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems). We would be happy to host postdoctoral fellows through the NPDF (SERB) and WISE-PDF (DST) fellowships. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me with CV. Prior experience in experimental AMO or experimental quantum optics or experimental quantum physics is preferred.
WISE-PhD Programme aims to provide support to women who want to pursue a Ph.D. in 5 subject areas of basic and applied sciences. Women of the age group between 27-45 years are eligible to apply. However, there is 3 years relaxation in upper age for women belonging to SC/ ST/ PH category. The support is available for a maximum of 5 years duration.
Students interested in completing their M.S./M.Tech./B.Tech./M.Sc. thesis as part of their respective academic programs are encouraged to apply. Funding support is available to host such students. Last date for applications are approaching soon. Please contact Dr. Arijit Sharma for more information.