From my pov, -x and -j/-s settings are contradicting. If -x is 1 and -j is 5, which takes priority? What is the combination of these three parameters I need to use to maximize one file download? download of multiple files?

-s: how many mirrors to use to download each file, mirrors should be listed in one line

-j: how many files (lines in the input file) to download simultaneously

-x: how many streams to use for downloading from each mirror.

Aria2 Multi Thread Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

That implies that you have only one link in each line, and aria2 will use 16 streams for each of 16 files it is downloading. If you have multiple mirrors, put all mirrors for each file in one line and add -s N, where N is the maximum number of mirrors.

NOTE: Downloads the URLs listed in FILE. You can specify multiple sources for a single entity by putting multiple URLs on a single line separated by the TAB and CR(Enter) characters.

I am not looking for other multi-thread downloaders, I already have Axel, Aria2, cURL, uGet and Wget in my flashgot list. I even have VLC there to open youtube in vlc if it strikes my fancy :) ... I just wanted to test a new option, that's all.

Yes, Linux has multithreading capabilities. In Linux terminology, this feature is known as simultaneous multithreading (SMT) or Hyper-Threading. With multithreading enabled, a single core on the hardware is mapped to multiple logical CPUs on Linux. This allows multiple threads to simultaneously issue instructions to a core during each cycle.

Multithreading allows a single physical processor to appear to have multiple virtual processors, each executing parallel threads of code. It provides a performance boost by allowing multiple threads of execution to run concurrently, improving system efficiency and reducing overall latency.

In Linux, the implementation of multithreading depends on the processor architecture. Some processors, such as Intel Pentium processors, support SMT, while others, such as AMD Athlon processors, do not. Linux distributions typically detect the SMT support provided by the processor and configure it accordingly. When multithreading is enabled, each logical CPU can execute multiple threads simultaneously. This allows the operating system to allocate threads efficiently, taking advantage of the available processing power. By interleaving the execution of multiple threads, multithreading can improve overall system throughput and responsiveness.

Axel is a download utility that aims to enhance the download process by efficiently utilising multiple connections for a single file. Developed by a team of talented developers, Axel claims to boost download speeds by up to 60%.

One of the key features of Axel is its extensive support for various protocols, including HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS. This flexibility allows users to download files from various sources, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of download options.

With Axel, users can enjoy the convenience and efficiency of downloading files at lightning-fast speeds. By utilising multiple connections simultaneously, Axel significantly reduces waiting time and improves the overall download experience.

To ensure optimal performance, Axel employs advanced algorithms and techniques to optimise resource allocation and mitigate any potential bottlenecks during the download process. This attention to detail ensures that users get the best download speeds possible.

In addition to speed enhancements, Axel also offers a wide range of features to enhance the overall download experience. This includes support for resuming interrupted downloads, the ability to prioritise downloads based on file type or content, and the ability to pause and resume downloads at any time.

aria2 uses the concept of BitTorrent to create a distributed downloading network. Instead of relying solely on a single connection, aria2 divides the download task among multiple connections, which significantly speeds up the download process.

aria2 is a powerful and user-friendly download utility for Linux users who need to download large files efficiently. With its support for multiple connections, resume and retry functionality, file integrity check, and secure connections, aria2 provides a seamless and efficient download experience. So, next time you need to download a file, consider using aria2 to speed things up!

Download Tools is a simple and yet powerful add-on that allows you to easily download files with a multi-threaded technique in your browser.It uses an open-source software called - aria2. According to the aria2 website ( ), it is a lite multi-protocol and multi-source command-line download utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.This add-on uses nativeMessaging ( ) technology to communicate with aria2 utility on your machine. Before using this add-on, you need to have aria2 executable on your system. You also need the native-client patch to build the communication between aria2 and your browser.First, please visit this ( ) page to download and install the aria2 engine on your system.Then, please visit this ( -nt/open-in-native-client/releases) GitHub repo and download the related patch for your machine. Follow the instruction in the above GitHub page to install the patch in your system. After installing, download tools add-on in your browser can communicate with aria2 client on your machine (Window, Linux, or Mac).If you have a feature request or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form in the add-on's homepage ( -download-manager.html).

My starting point is this question. Now aria2 is downloading the files but it is not as fast as I expected it (I am running this on a Macbook Pro with an i7, gigabit connection and AC-wifi. I am most definitely not maxing out any of these links of the chain.).

Since the files are small I see no reason to open several sockets (-s 1) for each download. However, parallell downloading (-x 16. 16 is max, isn't it?) of several files should increase the overall speed, shouldn't it?

Opening multiple connections will not help you much when you only send one download to aria2c and when the file sizes are small. But you can easily let multiple aria2c commands run in parallel using xargs -P

In Windows, we can use Internet Download Manager (IDM) and Neat Download Manager (NDM) to download files in multiple threads, and we can also use NDM to increase download speed in Mac. But in the Linux, the commands of wget and curl do not support multiple connections to download files.

The curl command has an option of --range, which we can retrieve a byte range (i.e. a partial docu-ment) from an HTTP/1.1, FTP or SFTP server or a local FILE. So we can write a small program to download a file with multiple connections, save them in multiple segment files, and finally merge them together. But here we can use aria2.

aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. It supports downloading a file from HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP and BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded from HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP is uploaded to the BitTorrent swarm. Using Metalink's chunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates chunks of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.

Seems useful with a MultiWAN configuration. While it does download multiple fragments, it seems to stick with one ISP for all of them regardless of the number I choose. I did try forcing all downloads to IPv4 (it's an ISP issue I have), and that didn't help.

Could you perhaps track how many connections are opened by yt-dlp to the server you're downloading from, with and without this option?

My guess is there is still the same number of TCP connections opened, and this option just enables multiple simultaneous downloads through that unique pipe. If that's the case, it'd be expected for MultiWAN to have no effect.

Try launching multiple downloads to use all the bandwidth?: Can the 1 computer use all the bandwdth to roll over to the other wan? yt-dlp usually averages 30mbps-175mbps. What is your expected multiwan bandwidth/load demand?

-c - Continue downloading a partially downloaded file. Use this option to resume a download started by a web browser or another program which downloads files sequentially from the beginning. Currently this option is only applicable to HTTP(S)/FTP downloads.

Edit 2: So I tried adding '--disable-ipv6 true' to aria2c, even though I have -4 on yt-dlp... no change.

Started a download and everything was still on wana. Disabled wana and the download continued uninterrupted on wanb. Re-enabled wana and everything stayed on wanb.

Some download clients allow you to download the same file in a several connections. Under certain scenarios it can speed up the download speed tens of times. In particular when you are downloading a file from A to B, anywhere between A and B could be a place that is limiting the speed of a single connection. If, however you use 10 connections to download the same file you observe ten times the speed. This is based on personal observations.

This is not possible in Syncthing without some hackery*. There was a very heated discussion on this particular topic in -find-max-file-size-in-documentation-and-some-other-specs/17286 recently. You may want to read it thoroughly.

If files are smaller than chunk size you simple send it whole by one of connections in pool.

But in case of small files you still can send it in N threads/connections where each of them sends some file from queue.So yes it is multi-threading programming but it is not a problem many years already.

But once again not sure what in Go world happens.

You can go read the syncthing protocol, but there are various edge cases to the problem, namely what happens if you sent a request, but the connection you sent it over failed?Do you re-send it? How do you know if the other side even received it? 152ee80cbc

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