Different Hawaiian baby woodrose Strains

The Hawaiian Woodrose which also goes by the name of Argyreia nervosa is possibly some of the most misunderstood entheogens. Whereas there is no doubt about the therapeutic abilities of the herb, there are numerous debates going back and forth about the effectiveness and reliability of the herb. The Hawaiian Woodrose seeds and leaves have been used for hundreds of years in India not only for its medicinal abilities, but also for its hallucinogenic capabilities.

Over the years, the herb has grown in popularity in Europe and the United States as a result of its capabilities. As such, if you would like to know more about the Hawaiian Woodrose seeds, then you’ll find this article quite an interesting read. Discussed herein, are the different types of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose:

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – Ghana

These are untreated seeds that are imported straight from Ghana. They are not of the same quality as the organic Hawaiian seeds that are imported from Hawaii. Still, the seeds have a germination rate of 20%. They are a different class in that they lack the fuzzy coating associate with the seeds imported from Hawaii. They are usually sold in terms of weight rather than quantities as is the case with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose imported from Hawaii. If they are nurtured properly, the plant can still provide the same benefits as the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose but in terms of potency, what one may use of the Hawaiian strain, they may need to double with this one.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – Madagascar

These are organic untreated seeds that are imported straight from Madagascar. They are normally inspected upon arrival to ensure that they meet the bare minimum standards of any type of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. This particular strain is made up of more venomous alkaloids, however these seeds have been utilize safely and therapeutically as a form of nerve treatment. They are also sometimes sold in weight instead of quantity. Take note, these are generally the MOST potent of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seed strains out there.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – India

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds originally came from India, where they are still utilized in modern day treatment of nervine tonic. Generally, when it comes to nerve treatment, the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose strain is the one that is commonly applied in the treatment process. In comparison to other types of Hawaiian Woodrose, this strain has bigger seeds but are significantly weaker in strength and effect.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds – Pakistan

What? Yes, Pakistan. There are several online suppliers that are selling Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds from Pakistan. They’re a bit bigger in size than the others, but also not as potent in strength. No, they’re not fakes or scams, at least not from the sites that we recommend. This do tend to be weaker in effect though.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – Hawaii

The most common type of Hawaiian Woodrose strains that you are likely to come across is the Baby Hawaiian Woodrose from Hawaii.

Whereas the different Hawaiian Baby Woodrose may differ from one another in terms of chemical compositions and physical size, they tend to generate the same side effects. For example, hallucination is a common side effects in all the strains as they all contain the LSA compound. But, how does this all even out then if they are different in terms of strength? Great question! – because, if you’ve done your homework about baby woodrose seeds, you know that overdoing it is not a good thing. That being said, the strongest strains out there of Argyreia nervosa are thought to be the ones from Hawaii and Madagascar. Number of seed dosage for these is generally 4-8, while starting on the lower threshold and working up. Working with any of the other strains, however, you’d be looking at upping those numbers and possibly doubling them.