Scroll down to see Arlington's zoning-related documents, plus videos, studies, & articles
Zoning Bylaw
Master Plan
Arlington Heights Zoning Recommendations
~ Visit Arlington Community Media to live-stream government meetings, watch past events, find interviews with citizens, and more:
Stacy Sutton
Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Policy in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (CUPPA) at the University of Illinois ChicagoTedXNewYork talk:
“What We Don’t Understand About Gentrification”
Grace Holley
Community Planning and Housing ConsultantBoston Neighborhood Network News interview
“How Affordable is Boston's Affordable Housing?”
Ruby Holland
Affordable Housing Advocate, SeattleAfricatown Seattle interview
“Mama Don't Take No Mess!”
A Seattle activist draws parallels between red-lining and up-zoning
Setting our Course in Newton Series
"The False Promise of Upzoning Reform"
Lessons learned from the Seattle neighborhood that inspired the movie "UP"
studies & ARticles
Housing, urban growth and inequalities: The limits to deregulation and upzoning in reducing economic and spatial inequality
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Michael Storper
What Does Affordable Mean in Boston?
Grace Holley
Dropping the Hammer on YIMBYism
LA Tenants Union
YIMBYs Exposed
In These Times, Toshio Meronek