We are a grass-roots group in Arlington, MA working to ensure that redevelopment is in the best interests of our residents and businesses. 

We support the preservation and creation of affordable housing to keep Arlington diverse, and enable newcomers and downsizers to live here.  We are committed to supporting accountable government, a robust business sector, and protecting neighborhoods and our natural environment. 

current issues

Town Day 2024!  Come visit ARFRR between Mill St. and the Highrock Church!   Details below...

We’ll have flyers about important developments in Arlington, and you can also access them on our blog.

~ New ARFRR Blogpost too.  Read about the path that development is taking - people don’t even know these are happening.  We detail four different ongoing trends to add urbanization and expensive density in Arlington - click here.

~  The MBTA Communities Act, originally intended to promote residential development within a half mile of certain transit hubs, has been decoupled from transportation in certain communities, including Arlington. 

~  Please visit the ARFRR Blog to stay informed about hot topics, including proposed changes to existing Zoning Bylaws, and other redevelopment plans.

The Housing Corporation of Arlington is moving ahead on a 100% affordable project at 10 Sunnyside, which we support 100%!  The development will provide 43 units, renting at 30% and 60% AMI (area median income), and will be a significant addition to our affordable housing stock. 

~  Exclusionary zoning is a much-discussed topic today.  Please visit these links for video viewpoints on what’s happening here and elsewhere in the country as the drive for affordability linked to density reveals some unintended consequences:

Zoning changes in Austin, TX lead to unintended outcomes, including the destruction of diversity in housing stock, homogenization of formerly ethnically and racially diverse neighborhoods, and the displacement of long-time residents.

For more videos, links to studies and articles, and our social media feed, please visit our Media page

why we started arfrr

ARFRR was formed in response to a suite of Articles submitted to 2019  Annual Town Meeting by the Arlington Redevelopment Board and the Department of Planning and Community Development, under the guidance of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.  These Articles sought to allow much greater density in higher-density residential and all business districts, and would have given density bonuses to builders with no requirement to provide affordable units for smaller projects.  We attended meetings, formulated responses, made presentations, and conducted outreach to Town Meeting Members and the general public.  The Articles were voted "No Action" by Town Meeting at the recommendation of the ARB, as a result of resident concerns.


ARFFR is made up of long-time members and chairs of various official committees and boards in Arlington; Town Meeting members; volunteers dedicated to a variety of causes; homeowners, renters, landlords; parents of students in the Arlington public schools; a couple of professors of economics; environmental, affordable housing, and public school advocates; engineers, scientists, writers, a graphic designer, an artist, an attorney—all of whom care greatly about the future of our town and have collectively spent decades working for a better, more-inclusive, affordable Arlington.

We connected at public forums and hearings in 2018, as we discovered we shared similar views and concerns about redevelopment proposals for Arlington.  We formed ARFRR to study the issues and develop alternate suggestions for redevelopment that prioritize affordability, preserving and expanding our commercial tax base, and protecting our green space.

Does this sound like you?  We welcome your input and ideas—join us by adding yourself to our News and Updates email list, or by getting involved in our meetings—email us at to learn more.