Contact Us

ARE Management

11278 Los Alamitos Blvd #727, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Tel: (714) 657-3853

Fax: (866) 590-4848

Rent Payments

ARE Management prefers to receive rent payments via direct transfer from your bank to ensure the health safety (from CoViD-19) for our tenants. Other optional forms of payment are: Cashier’s Check and deliver directly to the Property Manager on or before the rent is due. Remember: rent is late the day after is due. For example, if your rent is due on the 1st, then it is late on the 2nd. There is NO GRACE period.

Make checks payable to: ARE Management (or whichever is stated on your lease agreement)

Mail Rent Payments to:

ARE Management

11278 Los Alamitos Blvd. Ste #727, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

If you choose to to pay by paper check using the US mail then be aware of the following.

  • Rent payments are credited when received not when they are postmarked.

  • Do NOT mail cash. If it is lost or intercepted in the mail you have no recourse. ARE Management is NOT responsible.

  • If you use money orders or cashier checks you run the risk of your payment being lost in the mail. If this happens you have spent the money but your rent has not been paid/received