Im trying to sell digital products that will all be over 300mb in size even when zipped. Is there a workaround so I can sell a link to a google drive or outside source? It only accepts files not links. If I cant find a workaround Im most likely going to have to cancel my squarespace ging forward. Any help would be appreciated!

On Squarespace, the file size limit for digital products is 300MB. If you are using Squarespace's Commerce features, the only workaround is to host your large files securely on another platform that supports larger files. This is obviously not ideal, but I'd prefer to suggest a workaround than simply tell you it cannot be done. If you use this method, you can create a simple text file such as "readme.txt" that contains the URL for the file and the password (if required). You can then upload this small text file to Squarespace as the "digital file" instead of the "product". For example, Google Drive lets you upload files up to 5TB in size.

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Is there no plan to increase this file size limit?

Even a music album in high quality surpasses the 300mb limit. An while a smaller file size might have been of benefit 10 years ago. Now days it's just not an issue. The only limitation is squarespace.

If you need to reduce video files, one program you can use is Handbrake. This is a free video-compression program for both Windows and Mac, and it's amazing at reducing file size without reducing quality. The resulting videos look exactly the same as their originals. Here's a video walk-through of working with handbrake, including which settings to use, where it exports to, etc:

Second is a website called  / which offers a bunch of file-compression tools to reduce file sizes of almost any kind of media (videos, audio files, pdfs, jpegs, etc.). On their website under Tools > File Compressors, you'll find all the file types you can compress.

If you need to compress videos like I did, in the Video Compressor tool ( -compressor) they allow you to define the target output size (in our case, 300MB), and not only did it work like a charm (my video went from 606MB to 287MB), the video quality also looks great to me - honestly can't tell the difference between the original and the compressed one).

Also if you can handle hard core command line Un*x tools then you can install ffmpeg on macOS. Don't know about that on Windows. Lots of examples on the web for various conversions with ffmpeg. I used MacPorts to install ffmpeg on my Mac. MacPorts is also fantastic by the way. I use ffmpeg to convert my QuickTime screen recording .mov files to .mp4. for a substantial reduction.

Find my contributions useful? Please like, upvote, mark my answer as the best ( solution ), and see my profile. Thanks for your support! I am a Squarespace ( and other technological things ) consultant open for new projects.

With this new digital "sell anything" update, this file size limit really needs to be lifted. I can't sell any of my products under 300MB. Taking people out of the store to another site, making them download a txt file is just too extra. Please raise the file size limit at least a minimum of 2GB.

Our busines relies solely on selling digital products... It is just so ridiculous, that there is a limit to 300mb. We are in Audio Production and obviously sample packs, plugins & co easily exceed 300mb. In other businesses, be it photography or video, 300mb is even faster exceeded.

It's so sad to see that a company with such beautiful templates, good service and everything is just not able to add ONE FEATURE - because of that we unfortunately had to leave Squarespace to Shopify (after testing many other ones for our desired features).

I want to sell CD quality wave file versions of my album on my site. The ZIP file is 500 MB. So a limit of 300 MB is prohibitive. That's really a bummer for me as a long time Squarespace user and means I have to migrate elsewhere.

After few years full of adventures we were extremely happy we found Squarespace!

We did the site easily, uploaded many of our products etc until.... DUH!!!!

We can't upload many of our products as they are more than 300mb.


Spent a happy month building a website that runs smooth and looks wonderful only to discover that the very same platform is sending us to Shopify... We will go. Sad for the wasted time and for leaving your nice platform just for a silly reason.

Please help! I have a 6 GB video I want to sell on my Squarespace website. I just have no idea how to do this. I read the instructions to upload the file to Google drive and then make a txt file to upload as the "digital file" which links to the actual file.

How and where do I make a txt file? How do I do this to link to a google drive file? Isn't txt just for text files? I have a video file, so will txt even work to link to a video file in Google Drive? I'm so confounded.

I agree but sadly the same is true for any digital product, even those that are less than 300MB and sold directly on Squarespace. We can only remind customers about copyright law and encourage them not to share their purchases. There are no technical controls that can prevent a purchaser from downloading their digital file and then re-upload it to a hosting service (such as Google Drive) where it can be shared online.

I'm a digital artist setting up my shop to sell some of my assets and content. However, I've run into a wall with how small the max file size is for digital products. 300mb is nothing in todays day and age. It is by far the lowest out of any of the major commerce platforms. We pay good money for Squarespace and they claim to be an all in one commerce platform but lack major functionality, this being one of the big ones.

What makes it even more ridiculous is that this forum itself has a max total attachment size of 50mb. The fact that you can only sell digital products that are only up to 6x larger than an attachment to a forum post is crazy to me.

To those still holding on to Squarespace just don't. I personally ended up switching to wix. They offer more space, bigger file sizes for digital products, member areas built in, a lot more video time, and a ton of analytics for your sales.

But considering the alternative which is not being able to sell your products at all, it's the best solution possible. If Squarespace decides to lift these incredibly limiting features I might consider switching back to Squarespace but for now, it's Wix all the way!

Right, So I use an edge router, which has always worked fine, and everything is dandy.

Had Internet trouble the last couple of days, and Gave BT a call. They are refusing to service my line or find out or investigate WHY my upload speed (from my ethernet connected desktop) is just 3mbps.

There are no other devices using traffic on the network.

The only thing is I am not using the Smart Hub, and I am using a Mikrotik, which is an enterprise-grade Router used in industry and is basically 6,000 times more impressive than the ISP supplied router.

By download, speed is 300mbps, so its not my ethernet line, and my ethernet is full duplex, so it is not an issue with my House. This is upload speed, and it is most likely a problem in the exchange of one of their configs.

I spoke to Sean in the Fibre faults team, who refuses to help, say's my complaint is unreasonable, will not put me through to a manager and won't *FIX* the issue.

I had to email the CEO Phillip, (BT) Clive (Openreach) and Ayden, A fibre engineer, to speak to someone that respect's that the customer is not a total **bleep**, and does know a thing or two about networking.

I wish I were speaking to someone in CS who understood networking at an infrastructure level and was capable of doing more than just Connecting to TR069 on a smart hub via their browser window and run a fault check from the Openreach side?

Is it that problematic BT? Run an Openreach line check and test the fibre throughput?

Why do I need to allow a Trojan Horse into my network permanently, to get the service I am paying for?

My ethernet is good, and My download is 300, my cabling is fine, my router is excellent, everything is fine on my side, the upload is 3mbps (Not fine), why can't he fix it without me reconfiguring my network?

++ I asked to speak to Sean's manager and make a complaint. He refused to allow me to do so, which I have never experienced before and found quite shocking.

He also said I am unreasonable by not rewiring my entire home network so he can do a TR069 before he does a proper line check.

Am I stupid here? I want to know?

I do not believe it is part of my contract that I *MUST* in All instances use the ISP supplied router, I would never agree to this term.

Is it fair for my ISP to give me 7% of the advertised upload speed, and then refuse to resolve the issue because I am using my gear????

I am super confused here.......

*SIGH..... BT... BT... *SIGH* so disappointed.

Gutting my network of the edge router, will cause all my DNS leases to expire and everything to go down. I have worked hard on my firewall config's, VPN ingress, and various other components that make up my Dev stack.

I rely heavily on VM's Mac ID and a few other things for devices to @"Talk to Each other."

I am not experiencing a total blackout, just a significant drop in the upload. I have even ssh'd into my Router (VPN into the network, SSH into VM, -> VM into Router from Lan side for security) and run a speed test from the router itself to 8 different London based speed test servers which have up to 10gbps full-duplex. 152ee80cbc

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