My history is pretty weak, I wanted to understand the difference between these two groups; are bani israel same as the jews currently living in Israel(Palestine)? Are they descendants of bani israel? Anyway related to bani israel, other than being jews?

Bani Israel are basically Arabs people belonging to region of modern day Palestine, Jordan, Lebonon and Syria. That includes Arab jews and Arab Christians. It no to do with religion but more to do with people of the region.

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I can prove from the Quran that YAHUD are progeny of Qom E Hud and they mixed up with Bani Israel when Talut was appointed as a king. Talut and his followers belonged to YAHUD meaning Qom e Hud. You will find all references of Yahud in the Quran after the timeline of Prophet Dawood PBUH and Prophet Sulaiman PBUH.

Banu or Bani are Derivatives of the word son. Israel is a complete name similar to israfeel. Israfeel is the name of the angel who will blow the horn of judgement day while israel is a name that was given to Jacob, the messenger of Allah according to the ibrahkmic text. Also according to the Jews and Christians, the name can mean the fighter of Allah. The sons of Israel dinesty comes from yahuza, the eldest son of Jacob who was accused to be the leader or putting yuasuf in the depth of the well. The dinestu of Israel and yahuza in turn were mentioned in the quran multiple times and the isareli jews believe that they are the chosen ones who were given multiple chances and failed and punished by Allah. The punishment is widely known amongst the rabi Jews. There is no difference between bani Israel and the state of Israel.

In the interpretations and delineation of ragas, the bani prides itself on its ability to outline their defining and characteristic melodic forms within the first few phrases. In the rendition of a kriti, the Lalgudi bani encapsulates the spirit of the composer

This approach naturally necessitates the choice of appropriate and optimum tempo, gamakas (oscillations), and related musical nuances. Contained in this effort are also lofty values such as bhakti towards music, the composer, the guru, and the Almighty. 152ee80cbc

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