Yes even with connected load (motors) when signal comes, the terminal voltage drops (if high) to 3.6V for forward reverse motor, and 5V for left right motor, so both of them should be good enough if arduino is 5V , thanks to @wawa ,

Hi ...

I'm new with Arduino and write a very simple blinking LED program. the problem is, when i simulate it in proteus, the result is ok. but it's not working in real time. the exact error is this :

Arduino Proteus Project Download Pdf


Proteus is notorious for bogus simulations - things like missing clocks, missing power and ground etc. all are known issues and drive people trying to learn nuts. Over in the CCS forums, they have a sticky at the top about "no more proteus questions" for just those reasons. Especially in the case of the Arduino, it is cheap enough to do it with real hardware and know that what you are doing is correct if it works.

Hi all, Im designing a beginner level project in proteus, Its a 4 way traffic light system with additional features like a 60 sec countdown timer using 2 digit 7 segment display

I opted to design the traffic lights using standard delay, And from this point I think im stuck because I cant think how to implement a 60sec countdown timer with all these delay functions.

the only successful approach that I thought of seems to be using a second arduino uno/arduino duo (Because its impossible to make 2 void loops, one for traffic and one for the timer)

which isnt a logical approach. I am limited with a single arduino uno and an mcp23017 for digital pin extension for the design process.

also any help on proteus is appreciated, Im struggling to find a weight load cell and a ready-to-use hx711 module for proteus simulation.

Hello every one it's my first time in this forum I hope you will help me . I want to know please what the pin " vin" in arduino is for ? and my second question I want to simulate an RC boat with bluetooth in proteus i did the shema above but i didn't find this pin so i used a DC 5V instead. but when i activate bluetooth on my pc and when I choose the port 4 in my bluetooth card to connect it with my phone and then start the simulation, my app on android appears always disconnected even before simulation

At first it was giving me an invalid opcode error 0x9419. This error has now stopped showing but now a different error comes up. It says can't load the .elf file into the arduino. I've tried several times, and tried using a hex file too, but nothing works.

i didn't expect much from the simulation but i thought that it might have the ability to change position by a potentiometer or any thing (any mimicking technique) , like the lm35 in proteus it has a button to change the temperature .

Can you choose a different project with a more realistic instructor? I bet that s/he cannot tell how to simulate a magnetometer in any software. Not being well grounded is not a reasonable base for aerospace science


Can you choose a different project with a more realistic instructor? I bet that s/he cannot tell how to simulate a magnetometer in any software. Not being well grounded is not a reasonable base for aerospace science

unfortunately we cannot change the project , i actually feel sorry for the other members of my team they don't have much experience with Arduino . but i guess with your help guys i think we might pull it off .


I'm currently working on a school project, it's a three floor elevator using arduino , and I tried to do a simulation on isis proteus 8, but it was all in vain, I don't know where the problem is , you would find the arduino code and the proteus project down bellow

just for the record I'm a beginner so i'm not very experienced.

ps: I think I should be using a motor but I don't know how to do so , any kind of help is welcomed

You will not find much support for proteus on this forum; till now I haven't seen a proteus related question being solved here. You're better of asking proteus specific questions on a forum dedicated to proteus. When you head there, you need to give a better description of your problem; "in vain" does not mean much.

hi guys !

i need your help , i just working with arduino mega project with proteus simulation ,

the goal of my project is to use push buttons to print alphabet letters in LCD and what i actually need is just give 5v for certain pins to give output on LCD (letters display) so once the letter displayed i can give another 5v for another certain pins to print another letter but in simulation i can't make real time changes in wires (the reason is to print another letter) so can this possible in some different ways ?? , another big problem if i just set one connection to certain pins it's just going to print the letter but continuouslly !! even i just push the button once and also write code to return the pins to zero (low) to stop printing the letter(i need to print it just once) but that doesn't make any effect at all !!

if the damn arduino proved simulator for us why i need to deal with proteus thing , i need to make simulation for my project so i don't need to buy the component for non reason , and by saying "Your whole post has NOTHING to do with the Arduino " NO i have something to do with arduino !! is to find solve for repeating letter issue by change the value of b1 , b4 to zero to not execute the if statement and print the letter every damn time !!

Ok then. Just keep asking here where people know very little about this proteus crap and keep waiting for someone who does know to come by and answer if that's what you want to do. But be forewarned, you're going to be hard pressed to find anyone here who knows anything about proteus so it will probably be a very long wait.

thanks guys , i only know this proteus crap ! can you suggest for me some other simulator for arduino chips how people have dealing and knowledgeable with ? , or this fourm is have no any kinds of discussions about simulations ??

I'm also hung up with real thing -_- , for your knowing the benefit of simulators is to not waste your time if your project concept not possible so , i'm Electronics Engineer and when we need start projects we not jump randomly to implementations "in real things" this is kind stupid specially in big electronic projects, we firstly made the concepts >> coding >> test in simulators >> finally implementation , this is basics dude try to learn it !!!

thanks for the help, Proteus only have ready made relays etc. But i have a small issue with the relays. They wont work on 5V. If i put the relays to go on 3v on proteus, everything works. But if i set them to 5v ( what i want them to go on) they wont work.

I've also designed it on Proteus where you can also perform simulation. Secondly, I've designed the PCB layout for it. Proteus project is also attached is only useful to develop a professional board that doesn't require arduino and you need to burn hex into it. Hex file is also available in the arduino cnc project zip file.

The project zip files not only contains the arduino source code and hex files (for developing professional atmega328 and l293d board) but it also includes the application named as "Processing 3" used to run this CNC plotter. The "Processing 3" is an app for PC (available for windows and other operating systems. My zip file has only for windows) to develop java applications or temporary testing program. Yes there's need a sketch to run a "G Code excecuter" that is also included in the file.

If you're asking about arduino sketch where you're getting error on compiling the code. Let me know which error you get. Then i could possibly give you a solution. Second thing if you are using another arduino source code(sketch) share it to me, so that would be easy for me understand and fix the issue.

Hello everyone,

I've been trying for 1 week now about this problem and still can't find a solution. I'm trying to connect my arduino with the inventor app i created. The connection between my PC and the phone works but I'm not receiving any data.

Proteus is an electronic software in which you can create and simulate an electronics circuit. Furthermore you have an editor for your smartphone to control all your project remotely with Arduino or Raspberry pi cards!

Our projects are designed to help you learn and enhance your skills in both hardware and software development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced maker, we have projects that will challenge you and help you build your knowledge and experience in the field of electronics and programming.

Our Arduino and Proteus projects cover a variety of areas including robotics, home automation, data acquisition, sensing and control, and much more. All projects are accompanied by detailed instructions, code examples, and schematics, making it easy for you to replicate and customize the projects to your liking.

Our team of experienced engineers and developers are constantly adding new projects to this page, so be sure to check back regularly for the latest updates. You can also check out our YouTube channel for video demonstrations of some of our projects.

At the end of each project, we provide links to the necessary components and tools required to build the project, making it easy for you to order the necessary parts and get started on your project right away.

I recently using FreeRTOS for college project, but somehow my proteus always had this fatal error (every time its difference error but always fatal error, sometime violation module DSIM.dll, sometime other .dll(s)). At first I thought it has something to do with my code, so I try to use another example code (simple template from the internet that does blinking LED, nothing complex) but its still error at the exact 1.75 sec even though at that guy's demo works splendidly. I think it has to do with xTaskDelay cause when I commented the delay line the tasks (its singular task I suppose cause the only running task is only the one with the higher priority) the program works. Thanks in advance

Sir Boateng Online is a platform for technology and electronic projects, tutorials, and educational resources. Aside from creating Tech tutorials, we provide Education, GES, and NTC resources such as teaching syllabi, lesson notes, scheme of work, GES promotion, and NTC trial questions. We help people, especially DIY enthusiasts, to create websites for blogging, businesses, and organizations such as schools, churches, clubs, etc. 006ab0faaa

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