Working with the Smart Connector API described here I have run into an issue, we are using this script to query all our windowsfg and WINC connectors for configured and devices that these connectors communicate with, I am collecting the getDeviceStatusInfo result from API, and this returns information about servers that are no longer configured or even communicating with the connector.

If I query the connector for the Device Info from our ESM I only get the devices that are configured on the connector, which is a windowsfg (WUC) connector, why am I seeing a different result depending how I query the connector?

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To resolve certain issues, for example when a device get a new IP address or hostname, the connector starts sending duplicate health monitoring events, because by every X amount of minutes that the connector sends an healthcheck, it fetches all devices from this list, grabs the current event statistics for each device, and sends it off to ESM/ArcMC.

This do mean though, that if there is a device currently down, you won't notice, because it will only start monitoring any new devices that sends logs to the connector at least once after the file has been deleted.

So in other words, it is not possible to ask the connector to deliver a list of active / configured devices, without deleting the ps.adptracking file(s), what about the ps.devicename_Eventlog.* files?

What i do know is that device monitoring is based on that list, and the only way to remove old and deprecated devices for me personally in the past, has been to stop the service, delete that file and restart the connector again.

I have many smart connectors installed and configured, but my client is asking to change the naming convention. As for the Smart Connector name from the Console, we were able to RENAME it with no issue.

We are stuck in the folder names, where the installation is made, i tried to change the folder name, but the folder won't allow me, it's saying "Folder used by another program", also i believe the smart connector will fail if we change the name of the folder.

I have changed the name of the smart connector from the console, everything seems fine, the events are showing the new Agent Name, but the in the agent.out.wrapper.log, the old name is still showing, though there's no error, everything seems to work fine.

Does anyone know if it's possible to redirect logs to another locaiton? We have a case open where we need to enable debug logging on some of our smart connectors. Problem is the logs fill so fast and by the time issue is reproduced, the logs have rolled over. Even with increasing the log rotation parameters (#of logs and size of logs), the logs roll over too fast.

I think those are part of some legacy setup, Collectors would collect data from sources (as we do with windows event connectors for example, or a fileconnector), where the connector itself is actually fetching the data instead of listening on some port.

My organization uses Arcsight and I am having issues getting Arcsight smartconnector to work properly since we installed SEP. I already thrown this problem to the Arcsight forums and we came to the conclusion that we have to exclude the smartconnector directory from the anti-virus scanner and if the application does some other special monitoring on its software make sure the smartconnector processes are excluded from it.

i want to know in detail how to correctly do the exemption for my arcsight connectors, what is the difference between folder and application exemption? do i need to do from the SEP client or the manager or from both?

To collect syslog messages from stand-alone Linux machines, use the Syslog File

type of connector. You provide the directory location for syslog collection.

Make sure that you have access to the syslog directory to avoid the error:

permission denied.

The Syslog Daemon type of connector is a syslogd-compatible daemon designed to

work in operating systems that have no syslog daemon in their default

configuration, such as Microsoft Windows.

I've used ansible to deploy large numbers of connectors using the silent install process. It will give you the ability to make the hostname (or anything else) a variable that gets dumped into the answer files for the silent install. You could also use a simple script to do the same thing obviously. I don't think there are any easy ways to get the silent install process to handle that for you...

One option is to create a RAW syslog output destination on your ArcSight connector. On your Splunk server use rsyslog or similar to listen for the incoming syslog feed from the ArcSight connector. Use Splunk to monitor the file it writes. The file is still written to if you stop or restart Splunk.

Hi, I would appreciate if you can send me the ArcSight connector to SPLUNK configuration instruction. Also what is a good architecture for an MSSP environment, Sending data from connector to SPLUNK or sending data from Logger to SPLUNK?

ArcSight also has a syslog connector (see ArcSight Connectors Check Point syslog Integration Guide). Might be worth trying. It isn't clear to me from the integration guide that they support receiving syslog from the management server via the CPLogToSyslog hotfix (sk115392), but imagine it is supported. They do mention the other option of receiving syslog from the gateways (sk87560) which currently isn't an option in R80.10.

That is the one mentioned earlier, this is for the R77.30 add-on syslog. In R80 you have to use CPLogToSyslog in order to sent it as syslog, there is no option to create a syslog object under Servers and OPSEC Applications in R80 or R80.10. The Syslog format from CPLogToSyslog is different so this connector update is not working correctly. We already tried it.

Now I could get CPToSyslog HF used in R80.10 Mgmt server to send logs towards ArcSight connector and they upgraded their Connector with Parser so that CEF format logs were received. instead of Raw Logs.

Microsoft Defender XDR supports security information and event management (SIEM) tools ingesting information from your enterprise tenant in Microsoft Entra ID using the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol for a registered Microsoft Entra application representing the specific SIEM solution or connector installed in your environment.

Elastic Security combines SIEM threat detection features with endpoint prevention and response capabilities in one solution.The Elastic integration for Microsoft Defender XDR and Defender for Endpoint enables organizations to leverage incidents and alerts from Defender within Elastic Security to perform investigations and incident response. Elastic correlates this data with other data sources, including cloud, network, and endpoint sources using robust detection rules to find threats quickly.For more information on the Elastic connector, see: Microsoft M365 Defender | Elastic docs

Yes, it looks like, you need a smartconnector to communicate with your logger. These logs are normalized in CEF (Common Event Format) and send encrypted to the Logger in SmartMessage format on port 9000/TCP.

SIEM ArcSight is a high availability security system design and associates with various service implementations that ensure high level operational performance. The default components included are communications, cache, commit, recovery, and hardware components. Firstly analysts will leverage the Arcsight console or a web browser to access ESM, Logger, and CA. Here the enriched events from ESM will be forwarded to the logger for long term event storage. Then events from all smart connectors will be forwarded to the ESM instances. All smart connectors are managed remotely via the ArcSight connector appliances or ESM manager. After that events of interest will be forwarded from logger to ESM for real-time correlation. Correlated events will be forwarded back to the logger for long term storage. Events from all smart connectors will be forwarded to separate loggers for load balancing purposes. All smart connectors are managed remotely via the Arcsight connector appliance.

The latest and most important feature of the SIEM ArcSight tool and helps to analyze the data from various devices and also incorporates the cyber threat data intelligence through STIX and CIF standard dashboards. Source ingestion consists of smart connectors that support event format, APIs, logs, flat files, firewall logs, Net flow, XML/JSON, and database connectivity. ff782bc1db

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