Exercise Summary


An amateur radio exercise was conducted on March 23 (with early participation allowed from March 22) to exercise the capabilities of amateur radio operators (hams) to send structured email traffic over radio using the WinLInk Global Radio Email platform.  The exercise was conducted from the W0EQU Radio Room located in the Omaha-Council Bluffs & SW Iowa Chapter headquarters, pictured at left.

Participation was invited from Amateur Radio Emergency Service organizations within the region as well as from amateurs with some Red Cross affiliation from across the country.  Operators were invited to submit WinLink Check In forms via radio (if equipped)  via the WinLink system to the W0EQU station.  If the operator had the ability to use multiple radio paths (modes or frequency bands) to submit check-ins that was invited. 


We received 81 successful check-ins with the following characteristics

A map detailing all messages is available at Exercise Participant Map 

Additional Activities