Content, Facts, Ideas and Facts & Opinions

Tom Swift

Tom Swift is a useful concept as a persona. The original series was an "introduction to modern marvels and possibilities" relative to specific technologies. Think of Tom Swift as a "use case" specification for the utility of a device, technique, etc.

Bibliography has the foundation for the association of authors, editors, etc in citation and ownership of concepts. It bridges into legal issues of IP with specific semantics for attributions, etc.

Our desire is to create a form of bibliographic network map of "thoughts" and "notes" which can be "cooked" (by means of recipes). "Thoughts" become cooked by having their "consensus agreement" and "logical validity" increased. The intent is to give credit of original concepts to original authors, if they be known. Credit claims for concept ancestry and provenance are open ended, but weighted in favor of quality of historical evidence.

AF Bibliography

The Tools Catalog provides a high level index of tools related to the general subject matter content of Architected Futures. This needs the inclusion of a form of AF Yelp! for tools for AF users. Ratings, links, discussions etc.. This becomes an option for "sub-group" teams and projects.

AF Tools Catalog: Home Automation Notes


United States

International Social and Economic Data

News, Opinion and Conversation Sites

  • Mother Pelican - a newsletter and online journal focused on sustainability.
