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GitBook Related

  • Front-End Developer Handbook 2017 This is a handbook of "front-end" (i.e., "presentation technology," "glass," UX, UI) developer tools and techniques. This is an "analytical" look at the task of IT development. The outline of the book, and the general scheme all make sense; but the directional view of the concept of the task needs reversing and balancing for inclusion in a systems thinking framework. This is an example of what needs "architectural alignment" adjustment, NOT radical change. The "course correction" process involves a "turn around." The turn around involves recognition that the type of activity being described, over time, will be the province of specialist STEM artists who orchestrate and play with models of the user experience to personalize UX according to need of circumstances and device. Their models will be implements by code algorithms developed using model manipulation technology like KitAlpha and Capella.
  • Note. This is an example of a 'critical' review of an architecture element. This becomes the start of an idea. A model gets developed (or adjusted) to see the effect of the change. A project is born relative to team involvement. It either ends up shelved, or completed. If completed it gets maintained. If shelved, it gets: ({a} thrown away [to be repeated again later, by happenstance], {b} placed in some form of suspense queue for possible reactivation, {c} marked and remembered as a dud, and for what reasons). B and C items are eligible for reactivation and recall by an AI assistant. They also are available for determination as to their prior termination as an active effort and the reasons why. If the reasons and circumstances have changed, the old data becomes reintroduced, reevaluated, and the cycle continues.
  • /My GitBook Library