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GCSE options RE

For some learners an alternative course around Equality and Diversity may be undertaken.

NCFE Level 2: Equality and Diversity

Course Overview

This qualification aims to introduce the concepts of equality and diversity in a variety of environments including society, the community and the workplace, highlight how stereotyping and labelling affect individuals, outline the effects of prejudice and discrimination, allow the learner to examine rights and responsibilities, stress the importance of taking individual responsibility and action to help and support others, and provide a basis for further study and/or career development.

The objective of this qualification is to help learners to:

 • raise their awareness of the issues surrounding equality and diversity

 • apply this awareness through their actions in society, community and the workplace. It is made up of three mandatory units as follows:

 • Equality and diversity in society

 • Equality and diversity in the community

 • Equality and diversity in the workplace

This qualification carries 92 capped points (equivalent to 2 GCSEs).

NCFE Level 2 Qualification