Enjoy hiking

Looking for a partner to 

date and hike with?

Join US!

We are currently in winter mode and are 

meeting inside where it is warm!


Buffalo Gap Saloon Billiards Lounge:
6835 S Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97219

So come join us every week for Dating and Hike Planning!

If we have enough people, we can do intense speed dating, called Zingers,

where you ask your current partner if they can accept one of your core values,

and think twice before sacrificing one of your core values for another person.

Eitherwise, grab a rose and mingle with other rosy people!

Text, Call or Email Organizer:

Pete Storli
971 375 7407

sponsored by:


(Home of great free apps!)



(Home of great Dates!)

❤️ Namaste ❤️

"You are a beautiful butterfly

spread your wings and fly away 

from your old caterpillar self!"

Special Dating Events! 

Valentines Speed Dating!

Date Hikes is also working with Meetup Group 

Finding Friends to help singles find their soul mates!

Finding Friends  is offering a Special Valentine's Event:

VALENTINE'S Speed-DATING for Singles 40-60s (GENTS)

Thu, Feb 13 • 6:00 PM     The Hive Social

RSVP Early and get your tickets before they run out!

Dances of Universal Peace

Details: Celebrate people all over the world with spiritual singing and dancing!

Not exactly a dating activity, although you never know?

Anyhow, this is a great way to meet really amazing, neat people!

The "Dances of Universal Peace" have dances that celebrate all
spiritual and religious philosophies the world over, 

with chapters in almost every city on the planet!

All dances are taught, and in no time you will be singing, dancing and filled with joy.

The people are full of joy, love and acceptance of every type of person.

In Portland, the group I attend meets every 

Friday at 7:30pm at the:
Fremont United Methodist Church
2620 NE Fremont St
Portland, OR

Here is a link to the Friday dance.

$5 donation suggested.
Here is a link to various events in Oregon.

Contra Dancing!

Details: Very cardio and high energy dancing!

Bring a date or perhaps find one there!

This is a no-host dance to live music at the 

Fulton Community Center, 

68 SW Miles Street

Portland, OR

All are welcome!

Bring water, clothing appropriate for indoor aerobic activity and smooth-soled shoes for dancing. Please do not wear scented products to the dance.

Cost: $15 entry fee allows us to break even; 

sliding scale $6-$20 is available; cash, check or credit card.

Masking and up-to-date vaccination is recommended but not required. 

For more information about PCDC: www.portlandcountrydance.org. 

[Note: there are always plenty of folks on the dance floor regardless of how many sign up on Meetup!]

Link to meetup event.

We’re all about 

dating and hiking!

This group is dedicated to those who enjoy hiking,
but are also looking for a partner to hike with, and perhaps date!

Anyone who likes moderate 1-3 mile hikes and is
looking for a long term relationship is welcome to meet up

at the indicated time and location!

Before we begin the hike or event, we do brief introductions of our first name and city.

For long hikes, bring a sack lunch, water and whatever hiking equipment desired!

We hike in, stay for a bit, then hike back.

The longer hikes, one to three miles, are scheduled events 

that the group has agreed upon, not the base camp events below.

"We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment 

for people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and identities."

Songs To Get Your Motor Running!

Santana - "Love of my Life"

The best couples song! ❤️

Monsters and Men - "Crystals"

"Let your colors bleed and blend with mine!" ❤️

21 Pilots "The Line"

Awesome Love Song! ❤️

Santana / Everlast - "Put Your Lights On!"

Namaste. ❤️

Albumns To Get Your Motor Running!

Santana Super Natural Album

The smoothest love songs!

City of the Sun

The best romantic Latin guitar ever!

Door of Faith

Ancient Buddhist Monk chants put to music!

Tool 10,000 Days! 

Heavy Metal Rock about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Movies to Watch Together

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, 

super romantic love story.

The Fountain 

Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz and Ellen Burstyn,

Eternal Love through time! 

Lion in Winter

Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn and Anthony Hopkins

"Do you think we will live forever?" "I hope so!"


Humphrey Bogart  and Ingrid Bergman,


Call Me By Your Name

Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer, 

gay romance!

Movies to lose your mind over!

Slaughter House Five

Kurt Vonnegut, Sci Fi Time Travel

WWII Dresden, Germany Bombing

2001 Space Odyssey

Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clark create

possibly the best science fiction movie ever made.

The Pink Panther Strikes Again

Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom and Blake Edwards

create possibly the best comedy movie ever made!

The Secret Life of Plants
Stevie Wonder in Plant movie with his music! 

Get to Know US!

Sponsored by: DateHikes.com

And: CustomAndroidAppsLLC.com

Text, Call or Email Organizer:

Pete Storli

971 375 7407


❤️ Namaste ❤️

If no local chapter, contact Pete about 

free franchise opportunities!

Meetup Members Try: 

The Meetup Calendar for Date Hikes