I am a Senior Android Software Engineer with over 42 years of experience. 

I can turn your ideas into android smart phone realities!

I build custom android apps, per your specifications, using the best and latest software components! 

I always say, "There is nothing that can't be done! 

Given enough love, time, energy and money."

Call Pete Storli at 971 375 7407 or email Pete at 

pstorli@gmail.com for a free consultation or for links to free apps below.

Autistic?  Try:  

Are you Autistic? Emo Recog can help you 🫵 

😊 Learn about emotions, what they mean and what they look like!😇

Emo Recog has hundreds of bed time stories for you to read to your children!

EmoRecog can also read the stories to your children, if you want.

EmoRecog comes in three versions!

Learn about emotions, what they mean and what they look like!

Emo Recog : Kids version.

Emo Recog Relig  : Christian version.

Spirit Emotions  : Learn about emotions with a spiritual twist!

For links to free apps below: 

Email pstorli@gmail Subject: App: <App name you want from below.>