Make a Difference.


Contributions cover the cost of rent and utilities for our location as well as running the zoom platform to provide virtual support to our recovery community. You may make your Donation with Credit Card or PayPal. Please consider a sustaining donation to help us carry the message.

Donate with Donorbox

Amazon Smile

Mail Your Donation

Donations may also be sent to:

Antioch Recovery Club

PO Box 713, Antioch, IL 60002

Thank you!

Club Operations

The Antioch Recovery Club welcomes your support; whether acts of service or monetary gift. No donation is considered too small or too large and they help immensely, ensuring our operating expenses are met and future programs are funded. Contributions cover the cost of rent and utilities for our location as well as running the zoom platform to provide virtual support to our recovery community. Please consider a sustaining donation to help us carry the message.

Community Welfare

The Antioch Recovery Club is funded 100% by contributions. Our goal is to be fully self-supporting; however, we greatly appreciate any support from those who have a desire to help others, and in turn make a difference throughout our community. It is our hope that we can continue to rely on our friends helping make this possible. Our community's welfare is a shared responsibility.

We are a Non-Profit

Contributions are fully tax deductible, as the ARC is a nonprofit (501c3) corporation.*

Please know that any help that you provide goes directly toward keeping the doors open and is greatly appreciated. Our mission to assist others to recover is upheld by your generosity. Our board members are strictly volunteers, and we have no paid employees. With your support, we hope to help as many people as possible rebuild their lives, and recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

*Consult your tax advisor.