Project position

Additive architectural components can lead to reflect any cultural statements while fulfilling the fictional aspects which relates.

The main idea behind this particular design thesis is to Reveal the real treasure in gem industry which majority haven’t catches in to their eyes. Furthermore, this particular academic exercise leads to reveal particular segments which are laid beneath the society through an architectural intervention. Supportively, Selected Problems were resolved due to the aims and objectives which have created by analyzing the related sector. Proposed project is more over a Gem promotional center to promote allthe related criteria in the process. The main idea behind this design thesis is to come up with a methodology to promote the gem industry in a particular manner while developing its background and other related cultural aspects. The design also focuses on adding value to the community and the real owners of these treasures.

Proposed Architectural intervention is more over an Industrial and Cultural exposing tool. Which will cater for selected Propagandas which have been selected to promote in particular manner which will discussed further. This system allows to Promote their own cultural and Industrial Value while facilitating within their own premises (Gem mines). The Project will lead to act as a supportive tool for the Transitional development in near future. In fact, the selected Area will be transforming in to Gem Conservation city by the government Proposals which are already Started. So the Proposed Promotional Center will act as a Pre advertisement to the Future Development goals and to Fulfill the Aims and objective that government has Proposed.

[diagram....Cultural and Industrial SolidityArchitecture as a problem solving processIndigenous Wisdom which grabs around •Wonder •Risk •Knowledge •Culture •History“Cultural and Industrial Exposure” (Gem promotional centre)....]

Project Approach

So there is a need of architectural intervention, as an approach Rathnapura will be the major area which will be places a particular architectural intervention. The project was focused into the area where all the process started, gem mines. The lower grounds which placed gem deposits. Project was focused on the very first step which was made by mines. When analyzing the mining process there were certain observations were made. And the risk they have facing were observed. So, the idea was to rehabilitate gem mines as a tribute to the culture and the gem related society. Above mentioned society layers are additively acting to produce one of the most valuable products in the world. According to the social connectivity’s the approach was to build up an additivearchitectural component to cater these societies as well as solvingthe initial problems when approaching.

The background study acknowledges the significance of Rathnapura in terms of its history, contextual and socio-cultural aspects. As a community, the people of Rathnapura have customs, traditions and ancestral wisdoms and techniques which have been passed down through generation. This knowledge was formed through repeated trial and error, resulting in developing techniques and methods that befitting to cater to their needs. But these traditional methods have not been developed to fit the modern standards, which has resulted in most of the difficulties people face in the gem industry. This is approached through the revitalization of their traditional techniques by providing them modern facilities for the development of their basic needs while exposing the hidden story behind Gem Industry.

[diagram....1.Traditional architectural reference 2.Habitable space 3.Livability 4.Permeant/ seasonal functionsTRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL REFERANCE -> CULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE....] CLICK HERE to download the DESIGN STATEMENT file in its original format.
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