Why YOU should join!

What Is FBLA

FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America! In FBLA you will make friends, gain confidence, and much more.  FBLA is a competitive based club, meaning you make presentations, give presentations, and take tests based on your skills. With presentations, you will be judged in front of 1 - 3 judges (who are volunteer parents), your topic is based on what interests you. Although FBLA is based on business, not all topics are truly based on it. For example, there is a topic where you build an animation. FBLA is also about giving back to the community, with annual charity events like Shred-A-Thon, Trick or Treat Street, and Toys for Tots Wrapping. FBLA is also great for resumes and especially college. With FBLA you are able to qualify for State which in 2023 80% of our members qualified for it. State is located at the Gaylord Rockies Hotel for 2 nights and 3 days of FBLA fun. If you do well at tate you get to go to nationals! Which is always located in a new destination. In 2023 it was located in Atlanta, Georgia! For more information refer to the competitive tab or press the Competitive button below.

Annual Activities 


Every year FBLA comes together and help protect the community's identity. The community brings us boxes of paper once a year and we have a professional shredding truck that we shred your important papers for you.

Gingerbread Competition

Every year FBLA creates gingerbread houses before winter break for March of Dimes. Then the students of Arapahoe vote for them and we test out which one is the strongest by placing textbooks on them. They are also judged by beauty. 

Trick or Treat Street Event

Every year FBLA and Key club works together putting on "Trick or Treat Street" local kids come to Arapahoe and trick or treat classroom to classroom. It is so local kids and kids with disabilities able to trick or treat in a safe environment.

Toys for Tots

Every year FBLA, Key club, Student Council, and DECA come together after hosting a huge donation drive. We wrap the gifts and then go give them to financial struggling families.

Member Interviews about FBLA

Molly Bieichrodt

FBLA Member Fall of 2017  -  Spring of 2022

To me FBLA was the ultimate starting point. Through strong peer leaders and mentorship, I developed the skills that have taken me far in life after high school. I gained many professional skills that I use daily. FBLA is also a great social experience where I met some of my lifelong friends. My experience in Arapahoe FBLA is one I will forever be grateful for. 


FBLA Member Fall of 2018  -  Spring of 2023

FBLA has opened so many opportunities for me that I never thought was possible, because of FBLA I am now chasing my dreams by studying finance right outside of New York. 

Ryan Renolds

FBLA Member Fall of 2021 - Spring of 2023

"FBLA provided me with an innovative and entrepreneurial environment where I was able to pursue my interests in problem-solving and graphic design"

FBLA Colorado State President 

Madinatou Kouanda 
