Competition Information 

This is the place for everything FBLA competitions!

Here are past event competitors

Sophie Pallman 

Sophie Pallman graduated in 2023 but placed 6th place at nationals for Digital Video Production her senior year and qualified for nationals both years she was in FBLA. Here is a quote she wrote about her FBLA experience!

"FBLA was one of the best experiences I had at Arapahoe. I joined the club my Junior year because my friends were joining. I participated in Digital Video Production both my junior and senior year because I wanted to study photography in college. I traveled to nationals both years and had a blast! Competing was definitely my favorite part but I also loved getting to travel and network with people from all over the world. I’m so grateful to have been able to join a club that directly impacted my future!", written by Sophie Pallman 

Helpful Resources  

Want to succeed in your FBLA event? Look at these resources for more help! Also, reach out to your officers for extra guidance and feedback!

For more information please refer to the Google Classroom or ask your advisors/officers for more info and get live feedback! Press button below.

To the 2023- 2024 High School Competive Event Topics

To Every Competition with rubrics and guidlines

To Overviews of Objective Tests 

To Roleplay Competive Event Info

Videos for General Presentation Tips

Past Presentation Videos

Past Presentation Video's 

For prejudged events, both videos went to nationals. The Digital Animation video got top 15 and the Digital Video got 1st place at NLC.