#1418 - Spike


How Spike is.

Spike is a strange creature, not very intelligent, but very playful!

He acts a bit like a pup that's always stumbling over and curiously checking out his new surroundings.

He doesn't talk, he knows some words, but doesn't use them. Many esks find him to be almost infantile because of this..

Drawing by star-squiddle

Drawing by AlleyWolf


Please keep this on mind if you draw him/write about him

-He can communicate with other esks as all do, however, he doesn't know many words. He can be repetitive at times with words he DOES understand, such as to repeat a word like "play" several times if he wants to play.

-Most of his communication is through noises that express his emotions, though he doesn't realize not all esk will understand what he means or wants.

-He can be forgetful, which can lead to silly mistakes and mishaps- for example, he may sometimes forget that the cacti on his butt is spiky.


Boundary: Rocky Desert Biome: Arid

Canonically, as his creator, his boundary is located on the 'Arizona Wave'



His creator

"You play me!
Spike make you"

[Ceres played with Spike and then Spike drew Ceres in the sand with rocks and twigs, he fren!]


Aracollie's New TWWM Point Sheet