#1370 - Atlas


How Atlas is.

Atlas is a natural born explorer: he crosses huge mountains in search of surprising landscapes, but he have be a rather peculiar personality:

Although he loves his new life as an esk, he mistrusts all those who are not Prithvi (his creator), and so he may try to hide from esk he doesn't know, although he may end up making friends.

He's an energetic esk, but he could be hard companion because his little interest for members of his species.

Art by Wister

Art by sandscales


Please keep this on mind if you draw him/write about him.

-He was a mountain goat, he still liking climbing on hardy and higher places, even if there is a path more easy.

-He doesn't like to feel small, even his size is.

-Even knowing that he's now an esk and other goats can't see or comunicate with him anymore, he still love joining the little groups he found near his boundary, feeling again like one of them. The sad part is when they start leaving the biome, Atlas loves being in the mountains, and feel really exhausted when he start following those goats away from the mountains... Sadly he usually start to walk slower and miss the group and get lost alone.

-Thanks to his new blessing he is usually surrounded and followed by goats, what makes him so happy!


Boundary: Quarry Biome: Mountains



His creator


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