Spider terms glossary

1. Abdomen - the second body section

2. Accessory claw - modified setae at the tip of the tarsus in web-building spiders

3. Anal tubercle - a small protuberance above the spinnerets through which the anus opens

4. Annulated - colored with darker banding and frequently referring to banded legs

5. Anterior lateral eyes (ALE) - situated at each end of the front eye row

6. Anterior median eyes (AME) - middle pair of the front eye row

7. Anterior spinnerets - the pair nearest the cephalothorax when looking at the ventral surface of a spider

8. Antivenom - a chemical antidote designed to counteract the effects of specific venom; also called antivenin

9. Apophysis - a process or projection arising from a segment of the pedipalp, which is not readily described as a spine

10. Arachnida - a principal division, or Class, of the air-breathing arthropods, the arachnids, including the scorpions, mites, spiders, harvestmen, etc.

11. Arachnidium - collective term for the spinnerets, and cribellum when present

12. Arachnologist- one who studies the arachnids

13. Araneae - the ordinal name of all spiders

14. Araneology - the branch of zoology that treats only of the spiders

15. Araneomorphs - 'modern' spiders

16. Araneophagous - feeding on spiders

17. Autospasy - casting off a limb

18. Ballooning - a behaviour exhibited by newborn spiders wherein a recently hatched spider spins out some silk, which then catches the wind and carries the immature spider for a distance

19. Book lungs - respiratory organs on the ventral side of the abdomen

20. Boss - a smooth prominence at the base of the chelicerae in some spiders

21. Bristle - a cuticular appendage, which is usually long and thin, more slender than a spine and stouter than a hair

22. Calamistrum - a row of toothed bristles on the metatarsal segment of the last leg, used to comb out cribellate silk

23. Caput - cephalic region

24. Carapace - the hard integument forming the dorsal surface of the cephalothorax

25. Carina - a keel, as occurring on the clypeus or chelicerae of certain spiders

26. Catalepsy - playing dead as a defensive technique in order to escape from predators

27. Cephalothorax - the first body section, head and thorax fused together

28. Cervical groove - a shallow U-shaped groove, separating the cephalic and thoracic regions of the carapace

29. Chelicerae - the front jaws of a spider consisting of a stout basal segment and a terminal fang

30. Cheliceral furrow - a shallow groove at the distal end of basal portion of chelicera

31. Cheliceral tooth - a tooth-like extension on the margin of the cheliceral furrow

32. Chevron - a figure, pattern, or object having the shape of a "V" or an inverted "V"

33. Chilum - a small hardened plate at the base of the chelicerae

34. Clavus - an appendage, usually soft and flexible, lying in the middle line of the epigyne

35. Claw - a short, curved, usually toothed process at the tip of the tarsus of the leg

36. Claw tuft - a dense group of hairs underneath the paired tarsal claws, usually well developed in hunting spiders

37. Clypeus - the area of the carapace between the anterior eyes and the anterior edge of the carapace

38. Colulus - a short protuberance in the middle of the underside of the abdomen in front of the spinnerets

39. Comb - a row of serrated bristles below the fourth tarsi of spiders belonging to the family Theridiidae

40. Conductor - a part of the palpal bulb that accompanies and supports the embolus

41. Condyle - lateral boss at the base of chelicerae

42. Copulatory opening - an opening in the ventral abdomen of female spiders for the purpose of mating

43. Coxa - first leg segment, between body and trochanter

44. Crenulate - with a number of longitudinal ridges

45. Cribellate - provided with a cribellum

46. Cribellum - a flat spinning plate covered with thousands of tiny spigots located in front of spinnerets

47. Cryptozoic - living a concealed life

48. Cusps - short, mostly blunt spines

49. Cuspules - small spiny warts

50. Cymbium - the end part of the tarsus of the pedipalp in a mature male

51. Dentate - toothed

52. Denticle - a small tooth

53. Deutovum - the resting, spiderlike stage following the shedding of the chorion of the egg

54. Dionychous - with two claws on the tarsus of each leg

55. Diurnal - active during the daytime

56. Dorsum - the upper portion or surface of the body

57. Dragline silk - provides the spider's safety line and is also used to make the frame and radial lines of the orb web

58. Ecdysis - the process of casting the skin; moulting

59. Ecribellate - spiders without cribellum

60. Embolus - the final part of the palpal bulb containing the end of the sperm duct

61. Endite - maxilla

62. Entelegyne - a spider whose female has an epigyne and separate ducts leading to spermathecae for sperm storage and to the uterus for fertilization creating a "flow-through" system

63. Envenomation - the introduction of venom into the body of another organism as a defense or feeding mechanism

64. Epigastric furrow - a transverse slit towards the front of underside of the abdomen

65. Epigastric plates - thickened sclerites found on the ventral surface of the abdomen below the book lungs

66. Epigyne - a hardened structure on the underside of the female abdomen in which the copulatory openings are located

67. Exuviae - the parts of cuticle cast off during moulting

68. Eye formula - number of eyes in each row expressed by digits

69. Falces - chelicerae

70. Fang - the final hinged part of the chelicera

71. Fang groove - cheliceral furrow

72. Fasciculi unguiculares - claw tufts

73. Femoral index - a figure used to compare the relative thickness of femora

74. Femur - the third segment of the spider leg between trochanter and tibia

75. Fissidentate - teeth having more than one point

76. Folium - a pattern or design on the abdomen surface

77. Fossa - a depression or cavity in the epigyne

78. Fovea - a depression or pit in the centre of the carapace

79. Genitalia - ectodermal reproductive structures involved in copulation

80. Glutinous - sticky

81. Gnathocoxa - maxilla

82. Gonopore - the genital opening

83. Gossamer - a light film of silk threads, or groups of these floating through the air

84. Gum foot web - space web with strands of silk provided with sticky droplets

85. Hackled band - a special combed-out, fluffy silk produced by certain spiders

86. Haematodocha - a membranous, inflatable part of the palpal bulb

87. Haplogyne - a spider whose female lacks an epigyne and in which the same ducts are used to transport sperm to the uterus and to the spermathecae

88. Hirsute - hairy

89. Inferior claw - the single claw ventral to the paired claws in spiders with three claws

90. Inframamillary organ - cribellum

91. Instar - an immature form of a spider

92. Labidognatha - the true spiders whose jaws strike from side to side

93. Labium - a hardened plate between the maxillae at the front of the sternum

94. Labrum - upper lip

95. Lamella - a triangular plate on the promargin of the cheliceral furrow

96. Laterigrade - legs directed to the side

97. Leg formula - the legs are numbered from I to IV; the relative length of the legs can be represented by four numbers from the longest to the shortest

98. Lorum - the sclerites representing the tergum of the pedicel

99. Lower claw - median claw

100. Lyriform organ - a small mechanoreceptory organ or group of organs in the exoskeleton

101. Main eye - one of the two anterior median eyes (AME) that have the light detecting units

102. Mastidion - a projection on the chelicerae

103. Maxilla - modified coxa of the pedipalp

104. Median apophysis - a projection of the palpal bulb, below the conductor

105. Median claw - inferior claw

106. Median eyes - the two middle eyes of each row

107. Median ocular area (MOA) - the region of the carapace enclosed by the median eyes of the anterior and posterior rows

108. Median ocular quadrangle (MOQ) - quadrangle delimited by the four median eyes, including the eyes themselves

109. Median spinnerets - the centre pair, which is small and often hidden by other spinnerets

110. Metatarsus - sixth leg segment, between tibia and tarsus

111. Mygalomorphs - the more primitive spiders whose jaws strike forwards and down

112. Nubbin - non-functional spigot

113. Ocellus - a simple eye, as opposed to compound eyes

114. Ocular tubercle - a protuberance on which one or more of the eyes is borne

115. Onychium - ventral extension of tip of tarsus bearing the claws

116. Operculum - one of the plates on the ventral surface of the abdomen

117. Opisthosoma - abdomen

118. Orb web - a two-dimensional web, roughly circular in design

119. Palea - partially membranous part of tegulam

120. Palpal bulb - the copulatory organ of the male spider, carried on the modified last segment of the pedipalp, used to transfer sperm to the female

121. Palps - paired, forward-projecting sensory organs of spiders located behind the chelicerae but in front of the legs

122. Paracymbium - an outgrowth of the cymbium on the male pedipalp

123. Patella - the fourth segment of the spider leg between femur and tibia

124. Paturon - the basal segment of a chelicera to which the fang connects

125. Pedicel - the narrow connection between the cephalothorax and abdomen

126. Pedipalp - palp of male spider

127. Peg teeth - cheliceral teeth in sockets

128. Plagiognathy - fang directed obliquely

129. Pluridentate - having multiple teeth on chelicerae

130. Porrect - forwardly directed chelicera

131. Posterior lateral eyes (PLE) -eyes at each end of posterior row

132. Posterior median eyes (PME) - two intermediate eyes in posterior row

133. Posterior spinnerets - the hind pair when looking at the ventral surface of a spider

134. Praetarsus - onychium

135. Preening comb - a transverse row of stiff setae at the ventral tip of posterior metatarsi

136. Procurved - eyes that are arranged in an upside-down "U" when viewed from the front

137. Prograde - legs directed forwards

138. Prolateral - viewed from above or below, the side of a leg or pedipalp nearest the mouth

139. Promarginal - the side of the cheliceral furrow facing forward

140. Prosoma - cephalothorx

141. Pseudonychia - accessory claws

142. Punctate - covered with tiny depressions

143. Rastellum - an often rake-like structure at end of the chelicera in mygalomorph spiders; used in burrowing

144. Rebordered - having a thickened edge

145. Receptaculum - spermatheca

146. Recurved - eyes that are curved in such a way that the outer edges are behind the central part

147. Reticulated - like network

148. Retrolateral - viewed from above or below, the side of a leg or pedipalp furthest from the mouth

149. Retrolateraltibialapophysis (RTA) - a backward-facing projection on the tibia of the male pedipalp

150. Retromarginal - the side of the cheliceral furrow facing backward

151. Rostrum - upper lip, anteroventral part of the cephalothorax below the cheliceral insertion

152. Rugose - rough, wrinkled

153. Scape - an elongated process or appendage of some epigynes

154. Sclerite - a single hardened part of the external covering

155. Scopula - a brush of hairs on the end of the tarsus, where it improves adhesion

156. Scutum - a hardened plate on the abdomen of some spiders

157. Secondary eye - an eye belonging to the three pairs (ALE), (PME) and (PLE)

158. Serrated - saw-toothed

159. Serrula - a row or cluster of tiny teeth along the anterior margin of maxillae

160. Setae - brush of hairs

161. Sigilla - circular impressions on skin, corresponding with internal muscle attachment

162. Sperm duct - a duct in the male palpal bulb used to store sperm

163. Sperm web - a web of few or many threads on which male spiders deposit the semen preparatory to taking it into the palps

164. Spermatheca - a structure in the abdomen of female spiders used to store sperm after insemination and before fertilization

165. Spiderling - the nymphal or immature spider

166. Spigot - a small pointed or cylindrical structure at the tip of a spinneret from which silk emerges

167. Spination - the arrangement of the spines on the leg and palps

168. Spine - a pointed, rigid structure on body and legs

169. Spinnerets - appendages that produce silk and are located at the posterior portion of the abdomen

170. Spiracle - the opening of the trachea onto the body surface

171. Spur - a cuticular appendage heavier than a spine

172. Spurious claws - accessory claws

173. Stabilimentum - a heavy band of silk deposited in the center of the web of some of the orb weaving spiders

174. Stadium - the interval between the moults

175. Sternum - the lower portion of the cephalothorax

176. Striae - paired depressions or lines extending out from the centre of the carapace to the edges

177. Stridulating organ - a series of thin ridges on a hardened part of the body; rubbing this with bristles on the body creates a sound

178. Style - embolus

179. Subtegulum - a hardened part of the palpal bulb nearer its base

180. Sustentaculum - a strong spine bent upwards at its tip

181. Tapetum - a light-reflecting layer in eye

182. Tarsi - the last or terminal segments of a spider's legs bearing two or occasionally three claws

183. Tartipores - traces of the insertion of spigots

184. Teeth - pointed growths or bumps along the margins of the cheliceral furrow

185. Tegulum - the main hardened part of the palpal bulb

186. Thoracic groove - fovea

187. Thorax - the posterior part of the cephalothorax

188. Tibia - the fifth segment of the spider leg between patella and metatarsus

189. Trichobothria- a slender hair-like structure of variable length on the legs and pedipalps; used to detect air movements

190. Trionychous - having three claws per tarsus

191. Trochanter - second leg segment, between coxa and femur

192. Tubercle - a low, rounded process

193. Ungues - superior claws

194. Unguiculus - inferior claw

195. Unguis - fang

196. Unidentate - having a single tooth

197. Urtication - itching effect produced by the hairs of certain mygalomorph spiders

198. Venom - a poisonous substance that is produced for defense or to subdue prey; can cause pain and swelling but rarely fatality when injected into humans

199. Venter (ventrum) - the underside of the spider; typically referring to the abdomen

200. Vulva - internal structure of female copulatory organ