

Title Funding agency Amount

1. Diversity of spiders in Wayanad wildlife sanctuary SERB-YS 21,00,000

2. Diversity of spiders in Muriyadkol wet lands KSCSTE-SRS 11,75,200

3. Study on the millipede fauna in the southern SERB-CRG 50,30,200

Western Ghats of Kerala


1. Photographic documentation of spiders of Western Ghats funded by Smithsonian Institution, USA during 2010-2015

2. Diversity of spiders in Christ College campus funded by UGC during 2011-2012

3. Spinneret morphology of spiders funded by KSCSTE during 2011-2012

4. DNA barcoding of spiders funded by KSCSTE during 2012-2013

5. Synanthropic spiders of Kerala funded by KSCSTE during 2012-2013

6. Habitat affinity of spiders of Western Ghats funded by Idea Wild, USA during 2013-2014

7. Diversity of spiders in different agroecosystems funded by KSCSTE during 2013-2014

8. Diversity of spiders in Athirappilly forest, Kerala funded by KSCSTE during 2013-2014

9. Diversity of spiders in KFRI campus, Kerala funded by KSCSTE during 2014-2015

10. Diversity of spiders in rice agroecosystem, Kattoor, Kerala funded by KSCSTE during 2014-2015

11. Diversity of spiders in Kanakamala hill of Thrissur, Kerala funded by KSCSTE during 2014-2015

12. Millipedes of the Southern Western Ghats, India funded by Idea Wild, USA during 2017-2018

13. Diversity of spiders in the sacred groves of Kerala, India funded by Idea Wild, USA during 2019-2020