1993 Photo Album

View and Share Photos from Your Time in Ireland

A shared photo album has been created for each study year so that classmates may upload and share photos from their time on the Ireland Program. Instructions for viewing, uploading and labeling photos are provided below. Please note that you can only edit or delete photos that you personally upload and all shared photos will be viewable by anyone visiting this website.

How to View/Upload Photos to Shared Album

  1. Click on the link provided to open the shared album

  1. Tap on the “Add Photos” icon

  1. Click on “Select from Computer” to access your saved photos

  1. Upload photos to album

How to Label Your Photos

    1. When the picture expands, tap the Info button at the top of the screen (the icon looks like an “i” in a small circle).

    1. When you are on the picture's Info screen, you should see an “Add a description” line at the top. Tap it to type in your caption information.

    1. Tap the Back button when you're done.