Puzzles & Strategies

1) If you capture eXNf6 then you did big blunder

2) Pawn plays important role

3) Here, first move is Bc6, If Knight takes Rook then that Knight under danger. Later if it tries to ecape then his Rook under danger.

4) First exchange and then do fork attack

5) Discovered Sacrificial exchange attack , which leads to capture opponent's Rook

6) Opponent's Knight is attacking fork , Bishop is attacking to our Rook. How we will balance game so that to capture at least one piece. For that Queen will do double attack.

7) Creating Pin and double attack by moving Queen on c2 square

8) First move is to move our King to do double attack on Knight. Black king moved back to unpin Knight then giving support to his Rook. So Queen gone to attack to King. King Push backside( If King comes again to f5 then one move mate - g4# . So King has to move back. Again Queen came to Qc3 to do double attack.

9 ) Power Knight fork. Pawn is pin , so it cant take white's Knight. So black lost Queen.

10 ) Double attack and Pin creation from Queen and capturing Bishop or Knight freely.

11 ) Double Discovered Attack

12 ) Moving Rook on c3 is a incredible idea to destroy a and b pawn and creating our passed pawn

13 ) Knight does fork attack between King and Queen and Rook cant take, if takes 2 moves mate. So black must lose his Queen.

14 ) Sacrificing discovered attack- 1st move is BXh7

15 ) Queen is trapped under the Pin threat.

16 ) Exchanging Queen leads to loosing black's Rook, because e7 pawn is pin

17 ) Knight attacks Queen , Now Queen must come to danger zone, because to control d6 is must to avoid mating threats and lose its knight after white's move e5. Now Queen must leave c file so that avoid discovered attack on d3 which threat for checkmate on Qb7

18 ) Rook attack by moving on Rg8 and exchanging Rook leads to winning another rook.

19 ) Sacrificing pawn to get opponent's Rook. Immediate attack to King when pawn promotes. So king must take promoted little Queen.

20 ) Defensive and capturing opponent piece freely

21 ) Rook's skewer attack, then after leads to double attack then Pin on Knight

22 ) Triple fork attack from Queen

23 ) Sacrificng Bishop to get opponent's Rook

24 ) Pawn move leads to g4 leads to capturing black Knight freely

25 ) As you advance your pawn forward, your pawn value goes on increasing gradually, so when pawn comes to 7th then Queen forced to capture pawn and leaved its support with its Knight. This trick known as deflection trick.

26 ) Discovered attack leads to destroying castled pawns and capturing extra piece

27 ) Knight fork attack and e3 pawn pin

28 ) Pawn a4 attack leads to capture extra pawn and developing white's pieces quickly.

29 ) Bishop captured very important Knight which was controlled c6 square

30 ) If black captures on our pawn moved on e6 then leads to discovered attack from our Queen.

31 ) To prevent repetitive checks from your opponent's Queen then Keep your Rook to take care about your King and Queen will start attacking towards enemy King

32 ) First move is Ba6 to create pin on c4 pawn and at the end of calculation of exchange Knight g3 should not move to capture on Knight , because of One move checkmate

33 ) Bishop sacrifies leads to creating double attack on King and Bishop which leads to capturing 2 pawns

34 ) Here, no need to do castling , because white King is fully safe. Now start attacking towards kingside by moving g pawn to attack on h6 pawn to destroy opponent castled pawn.

35 ) Its very complex position to understand. 1st move of this position is NXf2 then white King loses its castling power. Another attack from pawn advance on f4 and exchange happens and destroying white's castled pawn. Later on Bishop do fork attacks, then King moves to h1, then Queen comes to attack by moving on h4 and pinning h2 pawn.

36 ) Nb4 leads to double attack on d3 pawn. If Bishop takes on Knight then e3 pawn undefended which leads to fork attack by moving on NXe3.

37 ) Pawn f4 to f5 leads to win a Rook

38 ) Double attack on Bishop , if bishop moves then triple attack on c7 pawn.

39 ) Fantastic move is fXe4 fork attack and also double attack on Queen which leads to capturing Bishop and c3 pawn e4 freely.

40 ) Attack on defending piece

41 ) If your opponent sacrifice then think twice, because in this case if Knight takes b5 pawn then white loses Knight.

42 ) Be2 leads to destroying opponent's pawn structure, Knight h4 doesn't threat to fork attack because Knight can jump in and do counter attack to Rook, then Bishop captures to h5 pawn and preparing for discovered attack. To prevent discovered attack Knight moves.

43 ) Knight attack leads to discovered attack , so Bishop must capture Knight then later we can double our Rooks on c file.

44 ) Have a perfect time to give check to the King so that King removes support to Rook and later capturing Rook and h pawn freely.

45 ) Giving check leads to skewer attack later on capturing Rook freely

46 ) Bishop take on e4 leads to double attack on Queen from our Knight and Queen. Here, best combination of calculation future move is to give up Black Queen and get Knight and Rook.

47 ) How to continue from this position? first move is to BXe4 dXe4(Not BXe4 , if so then NXe4 , we will soon entering into end game so we have to keep our Bishop ) later Nc4 attacks to Queen, NXc4; QXc4,Bishop attacks to Rook, Ne2 Queen goes back to e7 ;RXd8 KXd8; Qd5+ Kc7; Nc3 Bg4

48 ) Whenever your opponent do sacrifice then you have to think twice -Bg5 , If Bishop takes Knight jump on g3 which creates beautiful fork attack.

49 ) Majority of times moving g6 pawn leads to weakening castled pawns, but here you can play g6 pawn when Bishop comes to h6 to attack on Rook , but we can defend our Rook by blocking by moving Knight to g7. Then white played Bd3, now Knight moved very fantastic move to f5 which is threatening to attack on Bh6, If Bishop takes our Rook then Our Knight move to g3 which leads to discovered attack , so here white played waiting move Bf4 to prevent fork attacks from Knight. Then Black move Bishop g5 to attack on Bishop , If Bishop takes then again fork attack. White moved Queen on f3 then BXBf4 then QXf4. White Queen on b6 then white moved Knight on e4 to block Bishop line, BXe4, white moved QXe4. This is how we managed the position in better way.

50 ) BXc7 leads to create discovered attack. Here we are using deflection attack. We forcing NXc7 then we controlled e7 square and moved our Knight to e7 with check, now King must move later capturing free Knight.

51 ) Bishop Pinning on the Rook doesn't get benefits , in fact it loses its Rook by doing discovered attack to RXc8 BXd6; RXf1 KXf1

52 ) Knight attacks on c5 fantastically with discovered attacking now Rook can capture Bishop freely. This is called in between move with Discovered attack

53 ) Knight discovered attack by moving Nc5 with attacking on free piece, but black tries to trap our Knight by moving Bd6 ; NXd7 Qc7; Ne5 BXe5 ; QXe5 QXe5, RXe5 at the end failed to trap our Knight. Thanks for our Rook which is controlling exact centers squares

54 ) Here , fork attack doesn't work because e6 pawn pinned by Bishop, so black moved Rc1 attacks to Bishop, White Bishop cant move to d3 , because its unpinning e6 pawn. so Ng3 is good move. BXg3 hXg3; Bd4 escaping from danger. ... a5; Qd4 Now Queen cant capture , if captures then Knight comes to exact center square, so Qc2. Later on a pawn moves to attack Knight , so that push Knight backside. This is how liquidate tension and destroyed opponent's castled pawns.

55 ) Knight captured pawn on b4 , so that to capture Bishop and got a free pawn

56 ) Right now our King is not in safe square and Rook h1 is not yet developed, so move Kf1 leads to protect our king well, later on we move g3 and move our King to g2 later on our Rh1 rook is ready to develop and our King is safe.

While from black side , Black captured our Bishop and doubled our pawns on f file.

57 ) First move for this position is very suspicious move 15. Rhd1 if black QXg2 then its mistakes, let see how 16 Rac1 Bd6 to control c7 square 17.Nb5 Bc5 blocking Rook line and double attack on f2 pawn and our King will be danger, so how to defend f2 square? important move 18.Ne4 Qg4+ 19.Kf1 O-O here double attack on c5 , so white have extra piece , now just exchange pieces to simplify position 20.Nxc5 Qh3+21.Ke1 Here black don't want to exchange pieces so black avoids doing exchange Nf6 white forces to do exchange with the help of fork attack 22.Nd7 Nxd7 Now white's Rook is in a very good rank 23.Rxd7 Rad824.Rcd1 Rxd7 25.Rxd.

58 ) How to capture opponent pawn freely? 28.Rd4 Bc6 29.f3 Nc3 30.Rd6 Ba4 31.Rxb6 Black cant capture RXa2, because next move checkmate Rb8#

59 ) Knight moved to push back Bishop and also e4 moved to push back Knight, so that our Queen can control till d7 , Now Bishop can do skewer attack on queen by moving on d6 square, later on exchanging the Queens.

60 ) After Knight attack on Queen by Nc6, then Queen have only e8 is safe square, remaining all square are danger, so Qe8 Bishop attacking to Rook , now that Rook cant escape , because its friendly piece Queen blocked the Rook , so now Rook is trapped. This is caled decoy attack.

61 ) Strategy is to creating battery attack on 7th rank so that to increase pressure on Knight and moving our Knight to increase pressure on f7 too

62 ) Knight's strategy: Knight came to backside, so that Knight can jump on c5 to attack on e4 square, if e pawn moves then we can easily capture e pawn.

63 ) Here, very strange move is Nc5 and attacking to Queen, now d pawn must capture c5 pawn and making tripple pawn, later on capturing Bishop from our g pawn.

64 ) Try to stop making your opponent to do castling and start attacking . first move is too move Rook on e8 to creat battery and double attack with checkmate in one move , so now Rook must go back to defend Bishop.

65 ) Move d4 pawn looks bad move , but in this position , .g4 cxd4; 14.exd4 d5 ;15.gxh5 dxe4; 16.Bxe4 Nxd4; 17.cxd4 Rc8, after this variation white captured extra piece and both castled pawns are weakened , so white have major material advantages.

66 ) Best move is ...d5; because main threat is fork attack by moving pawn on d4. Because of this threat, Black lost its minor piece 8.exd5 exd5 9.Bxc5 dxc4 10.Bxe7 Qxe7 11.Qxe7+ Kxe7 12. dxc4.

67 ) White tried beautiful attack by moving Ng5. black should not take this , if it takes, then white will do checkmate in one move , that is Qh5#, Now King cant hide on g8, Bishop is controlling g8 square.

So how black can defend this position? , Knights fork attack will be next threats. So defending move is Qe8, no whites good move is NXBe4

68 ) If you move Queen early, then minor pieces or pawns, so dont move Queen so forward. pawn starts attacking on pawns which leads to pawn fork attack - 11.c3 Qa4 12.b3 Qa5 13.b4- pawn fork attack Bxb4 14.cxb4 Qxb4+ 15.Nd2- if Bd2 then QXb2 and Rook trapped Qxf4 16. O-O Qxf3 17. Rxf3 Nd7.

69 ) In between move - Qe3 if Knight takes our Bishop then QXa2 and Queen enters inside castled pawns.

70 ) Black Queen's is responsibility overloaded, How Queen will save both pieces, so avoid overloading job in one piece.

Here, Good move is NXh4 QXh4; NXb7.

71 ) c5 pawn defending by Queen , but still QXc5 why ? Because if QXc5 then next Knight fork attack

72 ) Discovered attack to get a pawn - NXd6 BXd6 ; QXa6, bXa6; BXd6

73 ) Queen move leads to getting opponent Queen by moving on 26.Qf7+ now black must give up his Queen, if Queen escape then white will do in 1 move mate Kh7 26...Kh8 27.Bc3 Kh6 28.Bxe5 Bxe5 29.Qxc7 Bg6 30.b3.

74 ) Here deflection attack is to move Knight from Bishop b5, now b pawn cant move because it is busy with defending Knight. Better move for black is to sacrificing pawn and developing Knight on exact center square, next NXc5 e5

75 ) How to fight for center square ? - 18.c3 Qd6 planning to keep Rook on d file with tempi attacking to pawn 19.g3 now f4 pawn defended Rd8 20.Nf3 increased pressure on Knight , so Knight will move to a better square on f3 Qc7 to move Queen away from controlling on exact center squares 21.Qc1 b6 22.Qe3 again controlling exact center square Bb7 to develop the Rook and controlling exact center square 23.Rad1 Rxd1 24.Rxd1 Rd8 25.Rxd8 Nxd8 26.Qe5+ Qxe5 27.Nxe5 Now our Knight is at exact center square

76 ) White did big mistake, Knight did self pin in front of its King, our king attacks to Knight which leads to double attack on Knight and helping our rook to capture Knight.

77 ) Sacrificing Bishop on d5+to capture 3 pawns cXd5( here instead of this move, Kh8 is better to avoid lossing more pawns); QXd5+ Kh8; QXb7 Na6 ; QXNa6.

78 ) Good move is to giving check by BXd5 with fork attack to King and Queen. So force move NXd5, now QXQe4 winning a Queen.

79 ) A Queen came to inside black's castled area, now door closed by our Knight. Now black will lose some pawns & Rook to save Queen. Let see - 11...g5 12.Qh8 Bd3 13.c4 Qd6 14.cxd5 cxd5 15.f4 Bxf1 16.Kxf1 gxf4 17.Qh7 fxe3 18.Qg6+ Kd7 19.Qg3 Qxg3 20.hxg3 exd2 21.Bxd2. After liquidation, black is better.

80 ) Black's in between move technique failure here, because of our simple pawn but big continuous attack - gXf3 , Queen is still hanging, another immediate attack from same pawn on Ne4 . Now black must lose Knight here.

81 ) How black will manage to capture white's pawn? -33...Rd2+ 34.Kh1 Bxf4 35.Nf3 Rxb2 36.Ra4 Be3 37.Rxh4 Rxb5.

82 ) Don't piece or pawn from f pawn , if you do so then King's diagonal line will be open. This is dangerous for the King( Bishop or Queen may try to attack to the King) Qb3+ to unpin Knight Kh8 ; NXe5 capturing free pawn.

83 ) Don't defend from Knight, because if Knight captured then Knight's support will be undefended.

84 ) Bd7 controlling 2 important squares when White moves to Bd7 - here e6 to push e pawn safely and e8 to prevent Rook move on e8.

85 ) NXf7 leads to fork attack, black tried to do counter attack but failed , becasue NXe5 If QXe5 then NXe5.

86 ) Checkmate in one move threat and black have opportunity to capture on Knight and also pawn is attacking to Bishop , How to handle this situation? how defend our King from Checkmate as well as capturing free piece, the game changer move is f6. Later on capturing either of 2 pieces can capture freely.

87 ) Pawn is attacked to Knight. Don't attack to Knight blindly, see Knight's future moves about where it will move ahead to create threats, so after pawn attack Knight move ahead again and attack on NXd6 , Now our Knight sitting like a monster, so BXd6 QXd6.

88 ) Here good move is to first eXd5 then Queen escape , if QXd5 then Bishop pins the Queen and Queen lost , so Qd7 fXg6 hXg6 QXg6.

89 ) Sacrificial discovered attack 1

90 ) Rab1 attack the Queen, If Black Queen takes a2 then traps the Queen , if you dont get solution then go to trapping piece (puzzle number 13). Qa3 variation already seen, so now lets look about intermediate moves, 18...exf4 19.Rxb2 fxg3 20.Bxd4 here black loses its Knight.

So be careful of capturing poison pawn.

91 ) Bringing pattern to have Knight fork attack.. let see - BXf6 RXf6 ; Ne4# Qe7; NXRf6

92 ) Deflection trick to capture a pawn freely - NXd4 cXd4 NXd4 now Bishop must capture because White's another Bishop is hanging which is on Bd6, So here Rb1 doesnt work BXb4 BXb4.

93 ) Powerful attack from our Tricky Knight -15.Nd6+ Kd8 16.Nxf7+ Now Queen is Pin( QXf7 is illegal, because white Queen attacking to Black king), so fork attack from Knight Kc7 17.Nxh8 dxc3 18.a3 here protecting b pawn is important, so cxd2+19.Qxd2 a6 20.Ng6 Qf7.

94 ) Move cXb3 leads to capturing one more free pawn by opening c file and double attack on c6 pawn , black tries to defend pawn but failed Qd8; Rc1 doubling the Rook to do double attack, Qd6; QXd6 cXd6; RXc6 RXRc6; RXc6.

95 ) Very beautiful idea to create passed pawn - 32 d5 Qb5 all other moves are dangerous to black - capturing from c6 pawn threat to double attack on c7 pawn again creates double attack from white Rook to King and Queen and then later Black loses Queen or moving c pawn leads to RXc5 again double attack on c7 pawn and we will see Rd8 variation on puzzle number 39 from checkmate title page. Because if Black play Rd8 then 13 move checkmate. 33.Qxc7+ Kf8 34.Qd8+ Kg7 35.Qf6+ Kh7 36.dxc6 created passed pawn Qd3+ 37.Kb2 Rf8 38.c7 Qd2.

96 ) Deflection attack from our Knight on c6, Now black queen must go back to f8 and d8 square not helpful to defend Knight, because our Knight is controlling d8 square. Queen move on d7 or d6 square threat to lose h6 pawn.

97 ) White's Skewer attack doesnt works, because BXf4 ; BXd5 BXe3+ Kh1 Rd8 at the end of variation Bishop given check to the King , Kng is busy with save himself then white will move Rook to safe square.

98 ) How to capture Rook freely via tactic - Qh4+ 33.Kg2 Rg6+ 34.Kf1 Qh3+ 35.Ke1 Rxg1+ 36.Kd2.

99 ) Destroying castled pawns - gXh6; NXe6 hXg7

100 ) Knight's strategic attack via in between move technique - 10.Ne5 Bd6 black tried to save its bishop 11.Bg6+ h pawn is Pin and Bishop came here to control f7 square Kf8 12.Nf7 to do Knight fork attack Qf6 13.Nxh8 hxg6 14.Qxg4 Nc6 15.Nxg6+ Kf7 16.Nh8+ Kg8.

101 ) Double attack on h pawn and good move for black is RXh4 pinning the Rook, so black's Bishop is safe.

102 ) Bringing your pieces towards exact center square to creating 2 plans -

1) Threat of discovered attack , but it can solve by doing castling, but later on bXh4 destroying castled pawn.

2) If don't castle then double attack on Bf3

103 ) Normally, its scary to bring King outside, but black is fully safe even bringing King out of the castle. 35...Kf8 36.Qc8+ Ke7 37.Qb7+ double attack doesn't work here because Qxb7 38.Bxb7 Rb2+ discovered attack 39.Kh1 Rxb7.

104 ) Fork attack from Queen and Rook is trapped, so Black captured b pawn ( If black moves Rb3 then white gives check from Qc8 and black will lose Queen and White will have New born Queen by promoting its b pawn.

105 ) Qc3 moved to capture pawn freely with the help of battery attack.

106 ) Moving Knight to side of the board to attacking Bishop. Now Bishop must leave h2 to b8 diagonal and back to Bf2. later on Knight come to outpost on Nf4 and immediately attack on g2 square, if this square moves then h3 square undefended, If NXh3 ; Nf1 and Now Rook is attacking to our Knight. Now How we will defend our knight ? -...e5 opening Bishop diagonal to defend our Knight.

107 ) Bringing discovered pattern by Exchanging Knights , later on BXh3 and Bishop undefended and double attack on g2 pawn.

108 ) White's Bishop under danger, Bishop don't have way to come back to safe place Same like Chakravyuha in Mahabharata - So how to balance this position - 16 Ke2 moved to give a way to reach destination to Rh7 ...Qd7 17.Bxg6 sacrificial exchange fxg6 18.e5 discovered attack Bf8 19.Qxg6+ Now black King is fully open and unsafe Kd8 20.Rh1 Qe8 21.Qc2 Kc8 Trying to hide but its Rook is Sleeping on a8 , difficult to come out 22.Rh7 double attack on c7 pawn Qc6 23.Qxc6 Bxc6.

109 ) Bringing to forcing opponent's Rook to e8(deflection) to do Knight fork attack by moving Knight on d6 square.

110 ) Move on Qc2 is double attacking on both pawns, So Knight has to move back or pushing h pawn to avoid one move checkmate and later on white capture free pawn from its QXc5.

111 ) Sacrificial exchange attack - giving up our Knight and capturing Blacks Rook - QXe8 QXe8; Nf6 - fork attack Kh8 NXe8 RXNe8.

112) How to capture Queen? By giving up exchange with minor pieces -BXg7 KXg7; Qh6+ Kg8; Ng5 QXg5 - giving up its Queen to avoid 1 move mate threat ; QXg5.

113 ) Sacrificial exchange to capture pawns freely and destroying pawn structure- RXg6 fXg6 - doubling the pawns and making un-defending e pawn and BXe6 capturing pawn freely and doing fork attack Kh8; BXc8 RXc8.

114 ) Capturing free pawn, because black is already double attacking on Knight. So black is ready for sacrificial attack to get free pawn- ...NXe4 -attacking on Queen immediately ; So fXe4 BXb5; BXb5 QXb5

115 ) Here candidate move is f3 pawn, because even white Rook does fork attack then we can defend f3 pawn by moving g4 pawn and sacrificing d3 pawn, if Rook takes d3 pawn and gives check then Black happily defend its King and also Pinning the Rook , then King supports its Rook -Kd2 RXd3; KXd3. Now its fully easy because blacks one of its pawn already passed pawn and easy to promote with the help of our King.

116 ) Ne4 is a candidate move - Whichever piece capture to Knight White will lose piece- If Knight takes then fork attack from pawn by capturing on dXNe4. If BXe4 then Knight fork attack. So in this case white should not capture which is on e4, instead of this white will find to do counter attack. That is a3 - attacking to Queen.

117 ) Sacrificing Knight to capture free pawn - Black didn't captured Knight immediately , because Queen captures and doing double attack on Bishop and Rook . So Black did in between move and attacking on Knight by moving Bf6; Qe3 BXe5; QXe4.

118 ) After exchanging Bishops which is leads to fork attack from Knight- BXd3; QXd3 Nb5 fork attack.

119 ) Previous move of Black is sacrificed Bishop by moving on Bf5 , white thought its free piece and White captured, here best move is dXc5 then later on exchanging Queens and Knight and Bishops to have better position for white.

But White captured Qf5 , its deflection, now b2 pawn is undefended so Black Queen can capture pawn as well as Rook freely , but Black got Bishop.

120 ) Bg4 is best candidate move, now Rook cant escape, Because of our Queen. If Rd3 then Qe1+ Rd1 QXd1#. So White give up its Rook and better move is Bd3, If BXRd1 then RXBd1.

121 ) Here giving check to the King which leads to capture White Queen, otherwise White will lose game immediately. How? -19.Rd2 Rfd8 20.Bd3 Rxd3 21.cxd3 Rc8+ 22.Kd1 - This is blunder which leads to 2 move mate- here, escaping move from this problem is Qc3 is only way otherwise checkmate will happen like this - Bb3+ 23.Rc2 Bxc2# .

122 ) Always remember, Utilize all your manpower force to do strong attack. Here, Black Rook is not yet developed, so develop this Rook to best square on Rd1. Now this Rook is involved in this attack and given its contribution and helped to capture White Bishop freely.


1) How to gain queen?

How to capture black's queen , without loosing white's queen

2) Checkmate pattern

Different ideas of doing checkmate

3) Importance of move order of capturing piece

Sequence of capturing pieces also most important to get opponent's extra piece

4) Sacrificial exchange

Look at position carefully, because opponent king have only 1 or 2 or 3 safe squares. find a square so that your queen or rook can reach there to control all 3 squares. if u find that square, even opponent's some pieces or pawns are defending that square. do what ever, sacrifice your minor pieces or even rook, so that queen can go that square safely Which is leads to do checkmate

5) Sacrificial exchange

Destroying castled pawns with the help of sacrificial attack and capturing Rook from minor piece

6) Checkmate Pattern

Process of doing checkmate

7) Self Pin & Discovered attack

Discovered attack happens , when Knight captured on b3 square

8) Power of Knight attack

Tricky knight gives check to king which leads to capture opponent's Rook

9) Finding Candidate move to attack aggressively

Pawns also plays important role to attack