
1) Creating Pin pattern and increase number of attack on knight by moving bishop on a6 square

2) Rook Pinned by Bishop, Black can take Knight freely

3) Increasing pressure on Knight

4) Exchanging Rooks, so that to pin newly enter opponent Queen by moving our another rook on g1.

If Queen don't capture our Rook then checkmate will happen on next 2 move - RXd7 . Now Queen must defend his Queen by moving on g7 and next move mate - QXRg7#

5) Increasing attack on Pinned piece to capture hanging pawn

6) Taking Pin advantages

7) Knight is Pin , so Increase attack on C6 to capture Knight by moving Ne5 then move Rook to increase pressure on Nc6.

8) Creating Pin to save our Pawn

9) Increase number attack on Pinned Bishop

10) Creating Pin

11) Winning Queen by dangerous pin from our Bishop

12) Pawn Pin weakness leads capture extra piece

13) Increasing number of attack on Pinned piece and attacking on Queen

14 ) C4 pawn taken by Knight or Bishop. Because d5 pawn is pin

15 ) Pinning the Rook and capturing from Bishop to Rook

16 ) Bishop moves on b5 is a beautiful Pin , This Knight cant escape from any variation of calculation of future moves.

17 ) If white captures our Knight then Queen loses

18 ) How to unpin our Rook safely? by givng check to the King Rd8 RXd8 ; NXd8.

19 ) Move Bb6 pins the Rook

20 ) How to unpin our Bishop 20... Rh6 21.Rh2 Rh6 22.Ke2 Qf7 23.Rah1 Qe7... Rh6 21.Rh2 Rh6 22.Ke2 Qf7 Now our Bishop is protected and free to move.

21 ) at present Bishop is invisible pin , at present Bishop is defended by Queen , but No one defending Knight which is behind the defended Bishop . So Rook came to defend Knight by moving on Rd1, NOw Bishop is free to move other square.

22 ) Black's best move is to attack on g pawn by moving h5 because g pawn is pin, then g5; fXg5 destroyed castled pawns.

23 ) Knight is Pin so you can capture Rook freely

24 ) Winning a Queen , because Queen and King are in a same rank

25 ) Bishop will take g6 pawn happily, because h pawn is pin. If hXg6; then RXh8

26 ) At present pawn is Pinned by Rook, so pawn cant capture, so give check to King, later on capturing pawn.

27 ) Rook can take pawn on b4, because c pawn is pinned by our Rook

28 ) Earlier move, Black captured Knight, so because of this move Black loses its Queen. How ? - RXd8+ QXd8; Rc8 Pinning the Queen Qg8 RXg8+; NXg8.

29 ) Bc4 pinning and winning the Queen