Creating weakness

1 ) Bishop move leads to open & control C file

2 ) When pawn moved on b3 then good Bishop converted to bad Bishop. Now Bishop like a pawn

3 ) Sacrificing pawn for opening your bishop's slanting line is a good compensation.

4 ) Game from Karpov vs Yusupov: Attempting to secure a bridgehead for it on the square c3. It is not possible to play 17 bxa3 because of 17 ... Nc3.

Therefore White is now practically forced to exchange knight

5 ) Attack on Queen , to waste opponent time to save his Queen.

His Knight Pin , so later start attack on knight to increase pressure. Any how, he will defend his knight by moving his pawn on d5.

6 ) Queen gone to a6 to capture pawn and create weakness

7 ) Creating weakness in pawn structure

8 ) Destroying castled pawns from the attack on BXf3, NXh4 and immediately attack on f3 pawn with tempi.

9 ) Here, Knight moved twice to capture Bishop and making white's double pawns. If Bishop want to waste its tempi by moving on e5 then f6 pawn attack again he must move Bishop again.

10 ) Here, Knight moved twice to capture Bishop and making white's double pawns and destroying its future castle pawn structure.

11 ) Discovered attack BXf6 now Queen cant take Bishop because Bishop is hanging

12 ) Capturing Knight, so that to move black knight to e4

13 ) Find weakness, which are hidden

14 ) Creating isolated pawn which leads to creating weakness, Later on we can attack and capture that pawn easily.

Black can have small discovered attack and balancing the quantities of pawns , but very difficult to defend isolated pawn , because there is no neighbor pawns to defend it.

15 ) Creating weakness by isolating black's pawn

16 ) Move g4 leads to in between move technique ( if you destroy my castled pawn then I also do same and immediately attacking on your another pawn, so be ready to defend your pawn.