
1 ) When we will do piece exchange?

-When you have bad bishop

-Your opponent have good bishop

-Sometime Making doubling opponent's pawns leads to weakens position

So, instead of developing new piece, think in different way to make your position stronger

2 ) Sacrificial attack to capture his Rook by sacrificial exchange from our Knight

3 ) Capturing extra pawn

4 ) Getting opponent Rook with the help of capturing rook first from our Queen

5 ) Given our Rook for 2 opponent's piece is good compensation

6 ) White have good move to capture extra piece by moving d5 exact center pawn. See how much dangerous center pawns are!

7 ) Capturing extra piece

8 ) Exchange your bad Bishop to his good Bishop

9 ) Capturing black's Rook by exchanging our Knight

10 ) Capturing bishop leads to capture black's Knight freely (even Nc4 also danger for Knight)

11 ) Capturing 2 minor pieces for exchange of one Rook is beneficial.

12 ) Black Bishop should not take white's bishop, because Rook file will be open and multiple attack will happen on h2 square.

13 ) Exchange you bad Bishop to his good Bishop- 1

14 ) If exchange happens between Knights then attacking threat on defening Knight on f6 from pawn

15 ) When you are piece up then just exchange pieces as quickly as you can. Because later on you have one piece left with some pawns then you can win game easily, in simple way and quickly.

16 ) Exchanging Queen is beneficial for white , because after capturing from bXc6 , c pawn will be isolated, later on its very easy to attack on isolated pawn by bringing our Rook to c1.

17 ) Don't capture dangerous pawn , if you capture then Rde1 pins your Queen and you will lose the game. So better to move Qd6, try to exchange your pieces , because you have extra piece

18 ) Don't capture Knight , because you will lose Queen by creating Pin with the help of Rde1, So better exchange is to QXd8 RXd8; RXd8+.

19 ) 3 black pieces are near to our King, how to reduce pressure? Ne8 attacking move to king. Now King cant move to 8th rank which creates discovered attack, So King moved to f7, now Knights beautiful fork attack to forced exchange by moving on Nd6.

20 ) Capturing first gXh4 is good one , then white captures our Knight , our Queen developed and also capturing opponent's exact center pawn.

21 ) Those who are lead in development , they will start clearing exact center pawn and start opening lines to get new opportunity. In this position, white can immediately do castling, but not Black so white captured to open d file.

22 ) Winning a pawn by doing exchange

23 ) If any of your opponent piece move to exact center squares then try to exchange it, because that piece is so active and attack in so many ways.

24 ) Capturing from pawn to Ne5 will be more beneficial than capturing from Bishop , because pawn is immediately ready to capture another Knight to gain tempo.

25 ) Exchanging Rooks later on creating passed pawn by pushing d4 ; cXd4 cXd4.

26 ) White's b pawn giving more pressure to black, so exchange pieces simplify the position and also creating weakness of double pawns , later on fully concentrating on promoting a and b pawn to Queen

27 ) Simplifying the Position later on capturing bXa3

28 ) Pawn a attacked to b pawn, if b pawn takes to a pawn then Bishop will be undefended, so exchanges pieces first then capture pawn BXNd6 BXBd6; bXa5 or you can also move Ra3. If aXb4 then BXb4 , if pawn moves to a4 then problem solved, because White's Bishop is sitting in a perfect square.