Endgame tactics

1 ) Winning ZugZwang Position by moving pawn b4 or a3 pawn. but not on a4. because black freeze your pawn by playing a5

2 ) King plays Important role in end game- King has to support his pawns and giving way to achieve pawn's goal to promote as Queens and in same time King should be ready to capture opponent's pawn , So that to avoid opponent's pawn promotion

3 ) King is unblocking from his pawn's goal, so that pawns can promote to Queens and to catch opponent's pawn

4 ) Pawn's important role- Even Black king removes support from pawns , then also winning. Because , f pawn leading. If white King capture our g5 pawn , then our f pawn easily reach to f1 square and promoted to Queen.

5 ) Supporting leading pawn is important to win game

6 ) Bring your all pieces near to your opponent's King to increase pressure

7 ) Attack on opponent's center pawn where opponent cant defend it

8 ) Dont open opponent's Rook file by capturing cXb3. Better idea is to push pawns to increase pressure on kingside

9 ) If black move on h2 then white dont have any move to play .... So sad for black right ... Black have Rook ,Bishop and pawns , still the result of the game is draw

10 ) Capturing opponent's extra piece

11 ) Capturing extra piece

12 ) Freezing opponent's Pawn

13 ) g6 hXg6, h6 gXh6, fXg6 leads to create passed pawn

14 ) In this position, Moving Queen to e4 is good move , so that later on King can move to d5, now black King must remoe its support with e5, black just moved e4 , white king captured e pawn . Now just King move side to give a way to move passed pawn forward for Queen promotion.

15 ) If you move Kf4 then e pawn moves to e5 then you have to go back, so no worry about g and h4 pawn , they are defending each other, so move King to d4 , if e pawn moves to e5 then move your king to d5 , if black play g or h pawn then just freeze it by moving our pawn straight ( don't try to capture pawn ) . if you do so then your opponent king will try to attack and ends with draw.

16 ) here, your King should play like opposition method. If you move your King directly to Kc4 then your opponent King comes exact opposite to your King. He will block you to come forward and there will be no progress in your game which will end with draw. This is called as opposition.

So in this position , your King move first on b4 square then c4 square, later on he keeps on giving up squares like zugzwang theory, your king keeps on control squares, later on capture e pawn and try to promote your pawn as Queen or capturing opponent's g or h pawns then also you can promote your pawns to Queen.

17 ) In this position , don't try to exchange your Queen, because, your opponent have 2 Bishops and you have only 2 Knights, Bishops are better than Knight. So move Qc1.

18 ) In this position , white have more pawns, looks like draw or winning position for white .. but its black to move , so here Bishop plays important role and captured 2 pawns and white captured one pawn. after this exchange looks like winning for black

19 ) Now its very critical situation, its race time between pawns, who will win this race? So here Bishop should move very careful, dont move your Bishop where it will block its friendly pawn or while racing pawn also blocks the bishop and white will get promoted as Queen. So move Queen in a accurate place, so that king can also support to Bishop with no blockade from its own pawns or pieces.

20 ) Wow What an incredible blockade from our Bishop by moving on Ba8, if white moves Kb3 , then black respond to Kd6, Now White King don't have entry to enter to the Rank 7th and 8th. This is specialty of combination of King and Bishop

21 ) Only way to prevent promoting is to moving Rook behind the pawn.

22 ) Here, Kings race begin, White King easily catches pawn, because its in a 4X4 square, later on black will try to capture g2 , but not f3 . King will give support in just in time and marches along with pawn , so that pawn will promote as Queen - 53.Kf2 Ke5 54.Ke2 Kf4 55.Kd3 Kg3 56.Kxd4 Kxg2 57.Ke4

23 ) Move b4 restrict to black Rook , now Rook in a small Room now , no way to escape , Rook have only d5 square to move, this Rook is stuck inside. White identified this black's weakness and taken benefit from this weakness, now white pushes his a pawn to promote as Queen. Black tries to distract moves by moving on c4 pawn but white is fully focus and concentrated on promoting pawn to Queen and Rook force to capture to reduce pressure. Later on white will win game easily

24 ) Here, BXe4, dXe4 is blunder, because Qb4 Rc7; Rb1 doubling defense on b7 pawn, now b7 pawn is fully protected. Later on just move a pawn forward and increase pressure on black as well as either a or b pawn may promote as Queen

25 ) Moving a5 , Now white have 2 decision , 1) If Whites Pawn then Black's Rook gives check and captures h pawn wth the help of skewer attack. 2) If White plays h4 then Blacks Rook givens support to a pawn.

26 ) Giving check to the King , so that to push King back side , later on moving our pawns to the goal of promoting Queen.

27 ) Giving check to the King , so that to push King( King must go to f1 to promote its pawn) far away from our targeted promoting pawn, later on moving g6 pawn to maintain long strong pawn structure , if gXf5 then gXf5 and maintaining good pawn structure.

28 ) White Rook is already Pin, so don't yourself capture that Rook, if you do so then its King develop, so instead of this try to concentrate on other plan by pushing h5 pawn, if King tries to unpin its Rook and moving closer to the pawns then exchange the Rooks, because now pawns little bit advanced and pair of pawns and most importantly our pawns are not freezes by one opponent pawn, if that pawn moves then just move h4 and create passed pawns.

29 )This technique is triangulation and opposition method, so don't only see this figure. Read this explanation, follow instruction and understand concept

43...Ke6 44.Ke4 h5 When white tries to do opposition then black develop pawn to advance one square and also solving opposition problem. Later White King keeps on giving squares to control and winning game easily by promoting our pawn to Queen 45.Kf3 Kd5 46.Ke3 Ke5 47.Kf3 Kd4 48.Ke2 Ke4 49.Kf2 Kd3 50.g4 h4 51.Kf3 Kd4 52.Kf2 Ke4 53.Kg2 Kf4 54.Kh3 Kf3 55.Kh2 Kxg4

30 ) Kg3 is candidate move here- Later on pushing h pawn. If gXh5 KXh5 in this case White's king is so far away to block black's King. So gXh5 is not good idea. here, white played 51.Kf3 h4 52.Kf2 Kf6 53.Kg2 Ke5 54.Kf3 Kd4 55.Kg2 Ke4 56.Kh2 Kf3 Is important move to prevent opposition so that later on easy to capture white's pawn. 57.Kh3 Kf4 58.Kh2 Kxg4 Now black can easily promote its pawns to Queen.

31 ) It look like drawish position , but not its winning for Black. In this position, first you look for opposition theory , because in this case only King can move. If you succeded in this theory then you can easily manage to promote pawn to Queen , If White King tries to block h pawn then we will use Chicken fox theory, Black King will move to other side to capture opponent's pawn , so that to promote its pawns easily to Queen to win the game


1) Don't leave opposition

Follow white's King , to make draw from white point of view

2) How to capture Queen freely

Forced move till capturing Queen freely

3) End game strategy

How to manage our pawn structure