
1) Mating threats - back rank problem from white side

2) Checkmate via sacrificial exchange

3) King fought like a legend

4) Unblockade your friendly piece to deliver mate- white to move and mate in 2 moves

5) Even, Tricky Knight is under pin , but it is controlling on e4 square. So King cant move on e4 square. If it come this square, then Knight takes on King. If there is no white King then How Bishop will take our King.

So, Its one move mate

Very interesting right?

6) One move mate

7) Checkmate in 4 moves

8) Mate in one move

9 ) One move mate from white's Queen

10 ) 2 move mate from Queen

11 ) 2 move checkmate

12 ) 3 move mate

13 ) 1 move mate

14) 3 move mate-1

15 ) Mate in one move - Rook moves on e2

16 ) Queen sacrifice leads to checkmate immediately

17 ) Deflection tricks - If you distract from other attraction like chocolate kept in other place and go there and pic that chocolate , but someone will come and take your ice cream , lot of chocolate and your favorite food too. Because of one chocolate you will lost everything. This trick is known as deflection trick to divert your opponent thinking with the help attraction.

18 ) 3 move mate

19 ) Checkmate in 3 moves

20 ) Sometimes, you will lose game immediately when you give check. So give check with proper reason or acheiving best advantages.

21 ) 2 move checkmate

22 ) Don't deflect your Queen to out of your goal away , because in next move checkmate.

23 ) 1 move mate

24 ) 2 move simple checkmate by controlling 7th and 8th rank

25 ) checkmate in 2 moves by moving Qh7 check.

26 ) 2 move checkmate by sacrificing our Queen

27 ) 2 move mate

28 ) 1 move mate

29 ) 5 move checkmate

30 ) One move mate

31 ) 6 move checkmate - Creating battery attack and doing checkmate on g8 square. All other moves of black are just delaying couple of moves more by giving check and sacrificing their pieces.

32 ) Don't capture poison pawn ,if you do so then you will lose Knight because of the Rook's double attack by moving on Rh3, if knight tries to escape then , checkmate mate in 2 moves from QXh7 Kf8 Qh8 #

33 ) 2 move checkmate - 2

34 ) 4 move checkmate - RXe6+ Kf7 ; QXf5+ Kg7 ; Qf6+ Kh7; Qh6#

35 ) 4 move checkmate - RXRe8 Qh2 just to delay checkmate KXh2 Bd5 QXf8 Bg8 QXg8#

36 ) Sacrificial attack QXb8 now here defensive move is Kg8, if RXb8 then 2 move checkmate - RXb8 Nf8 RXf8#.

37 ) 4 move checkmate -23... Rh8+ 24.Nh4 Rxg4 25.Bxd6 Nxd6 26.f3 Rhxh4#.

38 ) One move mate-3

39 ) Best move is ...d5; now we see Rd8 variation - 32...Rd8 this is blunder (defensive move is to Qb5) , from 13 move checkmate - 33.Qf6+ Ke8 34.dxe6 fxe6 35.Qxe6+ Kf8 36.Qf6+ Ke8 37.Qxg6+ Ke7 38.Qf6+ Ke8 39.Qe6+ Kf8 40.Rc4 Rd1+ 41.Kc2 Qb5 42.Rf4+ Qf5+43.Rxf5+ Kg7 44.Rf7+ Kg8 45.Qe8#

40 ) Beautiful Knight Sacrifice -Nd5 First we see about 29.exd5(This is huge blunder which black will do checkmate in 12 moves - Qg5+ 30.Kh2 Rd6 31.Qc6 - white just delay some moves to giveup Queen and Rook Rxc6 32.dxc6 Re6 33.Rd8+ Qxd8 34.Rg1 Qh4+ 35.Kg2 Qg5+ 36.Kf1 Qc1+Queen plays leading role here to give continue checks to do checkmate quickly 37.Bd1 Qxd1+ 38.Kg2 Rg6+ 39.Kh2 Qxg1+40.Kh3 Qh1#

41 ) 2 move checkmate-3

42 ) 1 move mate from Queen

43 ) 2 move mate with the help of decoy trick- Qc5+ Kg8 or Rf7 Forcing Rook move to defend King later on checkmate by moving to Rh8#

44 ) 1 move mate-4

45 ) 4 move checkmate- 51...Kh6 52.Nf6 Rxe5 53.fxe5 Kg6 54.h5+ Kh6 55.Ng8#.

46 ) 2 move checkmate-4


1) Checkmate Pattern in 8 moves

Checkmate Pattern - forcing moves with sacrificing

2) Checkmate Pattern in 9 moves

Checkmate Pattern - forcing moves

3) Checkmate Pattern in 9 moves

Checkmate Pattern - forcing moves

4) Checkmate Pattern in 9 moves

5 ) Checkmate Pattern in 6 moves