Active & Passive Pieces or Pawns

1 ) Be active your Bishop: If you capture from pawn , then your Bishop blocked and converted to passive piece

2 ) Development - No worries about d4 pawn, keeps on developing your pieces. No need over defend from b pawn

3 ) Blocking black Bishop's slanting line

4 ) Blocking White's Bishop, if capture then our pieces will become active

5 ) Try to keep your pieces on exact center squares, to increase value of your pieces

6 ) Give way to your develop your Bishop

7 ) Try to keep pieces on exact center squares, to increase value of your pieces, if you dont move then opponent's Bishop will attack to your Knight then your castled pawn fully destroyed.

8 ) Planning for battery attack

9 ) Bring all piece together to do checkmate

10 ) Move your pieces near to your opponent King, so that to control move square.

11 ) Moving Rook on d1 is strategic idea leads to moving pawn on d4 then bringing our Bishop towards d6 and planning to go near to the white King

12 ) Moving c5 pawn will freeing black's Bishop and later on attacking on Knight is a good strategy

13 ) Unblocking Queen, so that c pawn can move ahead to support e and d pawns

14 ) Everything developed , whats next ? Moving f5 pawn , so that bringing your Rook , Queen slowly in front of your opponent's King

15 ) When any piece or pawn attacked to your piece, try to move ahead, dont move backside.

16 ) Activating our Rook and bringing to attacking position

17 ) Vacate your exact center pawn, so that your piece can come to that centers to control important center squares.

18 ) Attack on center pawn e5, so that to activate your Rook.

19 ) Moving pawn on a5 to activate your Bishop to attack on Queen so that to destroy his checkmating plan.

20 ) Try to keep our pieces at exact center square

21 ) Try to keep our pieces at exact center square-1

22 ) Bd3 also excellent move , now black must move his King , otherwise its checkmate in one move

23 ) This d pawn main goal is to promoting as queen, because now it is passed pawn , so avoid distractions from other pawn's attack, (black tried to divert main goal, so don't capture on dXc5 ) and just move on d5 concentrate on goal.

Isnt this life learning lesson for everyone ?

Interesting right

24 ) In this position of course black is in good position , but in each position we will learn something, here Rf1 Rook stuck inside, so dont help to your opponent to develop f Rook by capture QXe8? RXe8. Instead of this , move Rd5 , Now your One rook developed at exact center square.

25 ) Now, its time to move e pawn to promote as Queen

26 ) Knight moves ahead and given check to the king , now King must move and loses its castling power and attacks to our knight. No worries , our Knight is protected by our Bishop. In d6 square, our Knight is sitting fantastically.

27 ) Bring your Knight towards center square and if Queen to attack to our Knight then defend this Knight by moving our another knight to N3d2

28 ) Now its time to fight for center squares, moving our Knight to exact center squares, then NXe4 NXe4; BXe4 Bd3; Nf3 , Now Bishop is at exact center square.

29 ) Capturing from Queen is unique and good move , because don't move same piece again and again , if Queen takes then black takes from pawn

30 ) Bishop likes open diagonal , Bishop will be very happy if it move to f6, then later moving Qb6 to do double attack on b2 pawn.

31 ) Of course Bb2 is not targeting towards white King, but Bishop is concentrating on exact center square to control center square.

32 ) Rook likes open files, So move your Rook at c file , Now rook at open file and also attacking to Queen.

33 ) Sometimes, we have to come backside for better position, Knight came back to land on f5 square and attack on e3 pawn.

34 ) Black have extra piece, so now black will try to open the lines to create counter attacks, so c pawn sacrifice help to open line, white tries to block line by moving Nc5, but black succeed to open line by doing double attack Knight by moving Bf1, then Knight went back to its previous position - Ne4

35 ) Moving Knight to exact center square on e4 and also double attack on d6, black responded Nb6 to defend d6 pawn.

36 ) How to bring our pieces near to opponent's King? - 17...f4 18.Rh1 fxe3 19.Qxe3 - (If fXe3 then mate in 3 moves - RXf3 ; 20.NXf3 Qg4+; 21. Kf8 Qg3; 22. Ke2 Qf2#) Nf4+ 20.Kf1 g5. Now 3 pieces near to the King next Rook is ready to move near to the King.

37 ) Now , Queen is controlling diagonal ( slanting line - d8 to h4) Making opponent's Queen to Passive piece from Bg5 move. Bishop attacked to Queen on same diagonal , where Queen was controlled.

Now we will defend our pawn by moving our Bf4.

38 ) Moved pawn to push opponent's Knight backside.

39 ) Moving e5 pawn making Bishop from active piece to passive piece.

40 ) Rook moved on c8 to target on c2 square and double attack on Bishop and b pawn. So White Queen cant takes our e pawn and Black developed Rook.

41 ) From which piece we should capture on e5 pawn? Well, better to capture from Knight , because Knight is controlling squares which is nearest to d7 and f7 and discover attack opportunity may create in future.

42 ) c5 move played , so to give support to move on Bd6

43 ) In this time , vacating c4 square for its Knight to move ahead, giving way to move ahead.

c4 pawn moved to active white's Knight and Knight and Bishop both are targeting on d6 square.

44 ) By moving this simple move -c5 leads to making Queen and Bishop passive piece by blocking c pawn.

45 ) Bringing pieces to exact center squares leads to controlling more number of squares.

46 ) Doubling Rook on d file - centralizing each every piece to do contribution of their powers to attack on opponent effectively.

47 ) Promoting pawn immediately leads to draw, because of RXg1 KXg1; KXf3 so here, good move is Rg3 blocking white Rook and Promoting our Pawn to Queen safely.

48 ) Fighting for center squares begins ..d5; eXd5 eXd5; Ba2 earlier Black's Bishop moves till d7 , now Bishop can move e7 or Bishop can wait for new best square later on.

49 ) Blocking the Rook controlling line so that to promote Queen safely.

50 ) Attacking on Behind the pawn chain leads to engaging work for a piece to defend pawn so that making Rooks as passive piece and from our Rooks try to target on 7th rank to attack near to the opponent King.

51 ) Creating passed pawn- To come out of blockade and heading towards to promote as Queen.

52 ) Move d5 pawn is good move here to block Bishop on c6