Asia Pacific Physics Week 2023 (APPW2023)

Fully online (using Zoom), November 6-10, 2023

Time zone: the Korea Standard Time (GMT+9)

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023 

4:10 PM - 4:50 PM  Plenary Talk  C. H. Raymond Ooi (University of Malaya) 

Molecular Quantum Memory Structures for Quantum Information Storage


C H Raymond Ooi

Quantum & Laser Science, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Quantum communication technology would need reliable quantum system for quantum information storage. Many studies of optical quantum memory involve Raman scheme for writing and reading of optical pulses and single photons that carry quantum information. Optical quantum memory is an essential component in quantum information technology, particularly for secure long-distance quantum communication network. Many quantum memory schemes have been proposed and demonstrated experimentally but there are limitations, especially with regard to practicality and scalability. We will discuss our work towards molecular quantum memory which have been regarded as formidable due to the rapid decoherence and broadened molecular absorption/emission peaks. It is hoped that laser schemes can be applied to achieve optimal performances by overcoming these problems. This would be a step forward to realizing practical quantum network.

  We have developed unified quantum theoretical framework that describes the photon dynamics and the essential mechanisms of photon interactions with f-center molecules in phonon and radiation baths. We will discuss molecular Raman scheme with control by laser pulses. Our current exploration is to extend the Raman scheme from atoms to generic molecules interacting with laser pulses to study storage and retrieval of photons.