Anti Theft App privacy policy

Anti Theft App Privacy Policy

The above mentioned policy is applicable on users downloading / installing or using our Anti-theft app developed by Apps Vendor Team. This app will help you keep phone safe by implementing Motion Protection, Pocket Protection & Charging Protection.

By installing this app you’re agreeing with our Privacy policy which is an agreement between our users & us.

Information Collection via App:

We do not collect any personal or non-personal data from users via this app. User are required to set or save their PIN in order to make this app features workable.

Device Administration Permission Access:

Bind Device Administration: By this feature available in app we get the following features that includes

· App uninstallation can’t be done by Third Party User

· Screen Unlock password can be changed

· Password Rules defined

Other Features& Permissions: Fingerprint / Internet & Wake Clock

We do not keep any data or information on any server or place.

Advertisements in App:

Our app is displaying advertisement we received from Third parties including Admob owned by Google. You can read Admob Privacy Policy by visiting this link:

Please Note:

We’ve right to change this policy at any time in future. Keep visiting this link from time to time & stay up-to-date

Contact Us:

For Suggestions or Feedback feel free to write us at: