B. Biophysical Approach 

More restrictive of the three approaches. behavior through the lens of each student’s diverse biological variables such as genetic abnormalities, neurological impairments, chemical imbalances, and diet. 

Identify teaching strategies for students with different disabilities. 

For example, when teaching students with Autism who have poor motor planning, use task-analysis to break down skills in-to more digestible parts

Check student files for medication information for health and patterns of behavior. 

Review past health reports to identify any possible allergies or behavior triggers for the student. Communicate with parent. 

Relaxation Training and Physiological sigh to reduce  

Physiological (or cyclic) sigh can combat anxiety. Performed by taking one deep inhale, immediately followed by another sharp inhale, and a long, slow, sighing exhale) for five minutes can lower your anxiety, improve mood, and even result in decreased rates of breathing at rest, which is a sign of overall body calmness, Stanford reports.

Stretches used as a cool down activity, combined with relaxing music to bring heart rate and energy down to a level appropriate for transition back to class or further directions.

Music may engage the entire brain to improve behavior and moods (Blakemore, 2004).  Some music may have calming effects, especially instrumental music with strong and simple melody lines.