Behavioral Approach Overview

Prior to selecting a behavior management approach, do a self-reflection philosophy to assess yourself on who you are as a physical education teacher? What kind of teacher do you want to be, known to your students?

Self-reflection on teaching philosophy

Liberman-Brian Inclusion Rating Scale in Physical Education (LIRSPE) Scale

Self reflection on own teaching philosophy. Liberman Scale

A.  Mitigating Behavior

In physical education, teachers encounter inappropriate behaviors that may arise from waiting in long lines to participate, get equipment or lack of engagement due to failure to design an environment conducive for learning. 

Source: The PE Specialist

Proactive Planning


When reviewing expectations and consequences. Be consistent  with answers, mean what you say. 

B. Increasing Behavior of Appropriate Behavior 

Increasing the probability of expected behavior 

Social Contract 

Public Posting 

Premack Principle 

Power of High Fives 

"Catch them being good" @DonTobin on @X

C. Decreasing Behavior

Unwanted behavior arises in physical education in different ways. Different ways that it can manifest themselves in physical education.

Types of Misbehavior

Source: PE Project. Behavior Management in PE 

Direct Discussion: Have discussion with student individually vs. giving public feedback in front of the group. 

Facilitating good communication can decrease behavior 

Daily Rubric and check in with student. 

Systematic data collection to increase or decrease behavior