Conference papers

1 “Spin transfer torque in magnetic nanostructures”

Yan Zhou, Jiang Xiao, G. E. W. Bauer, and Fu-chun Zhang

IEEE International Conference Proceeding of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (2013).

2 “Magnetoresistive Sensors and Their Applications”

Z. Q. Lei, X. Sun, Q. Huang, P. T. Lai, Y. Hou, C. W. Leung, Yan Zhou, P. W. T. Pong

Proceeding of International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (2011)

Invited Review Paper

3 “A parallel simulation code for synchronization of spin torque oscillators for microwave applications”,

Yan Zhou*, Ada Zheng, and Herman Wu

3rd ICCEE 2010 conference proceeding, IEEE Press (IEEE Xpore) (2010)

4 “Impact of Device Variability and Circuit Phase Shift in Synchronized Spin Torque Oscillators”

J. Persson, Yan Zhou and J. Åkerman

Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 998E, 0998-J02-06, (2007)

5 “Intrinsic Phase Shift and Novel Dynamic Magnetization States of a Spin Torque Oscillator under ac Current Injection”

Yan Zhou, J. Persson, and J. Åkerman

Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 998E, 0998-J02-02, (2007)

6 “Theory of Time-dependent Space-charge-limited Conduction”

H. K. Chan, Yan Zhou, C. H. Lam, and F. G. Shin

2007 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD) Proceedings, 35-38, (2007)

7 “Tunable Intrinsic Phase Shift Between a Spin Torque Nano-Oscillator and an AC Current”

Yan Zhou, J. Persson and J. Åkerman

IEEE-NANO 2007. 7th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 229-232 (2007)

8 “Impact of Magnetoresistance and Anisotropy on Synchronized Spin Torque Oscillators”

Yan Zhou, J. Persson, and J. Åkerman

IEEE-NANO 2007. 7th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 233-236 (2007)