Program Advancements

The emerging changes and developments in the Applied Design Program 

The information site I created and manage for the students:


Applied Design was established at the Locust Avenue Campus in the 1997 from the former Interior Decoration Major (1976) and Fashion Merchandising Major (1985)
1998 - Fashion Design and Interior Design were the concentrations of the Applied Design Program at Locust Avenue Campus
2010 - 5 Year Program Review passed
2013-2016 the Applied Design Program was moved to the downtown location on Adams Street, Veterans Square
2015 the concentration called "Design Specialist" was added to the major and a new articulation agreement with WVU Davis College Design Department within the Design Studies major was launched
2015 - 5 Year Program Review passed 
2016 - 2018 The Applied Design Program returned to their home on campus at Locust Avenue in Wallman Hall shared with Fairmont State University upon the completion of the new Advanced Technology Center that opened in 2016
2017 - 2018 The program passed a rigorous change to the curriculum. Fashion Design & Merchandising is now Fashion Merchandising. Design Specialist is now Design Assistant. Interior Design added additional computer skills courses.
2018 The program was moved from the School of Human Services to the School of Business, Aviation & Technology.  This holds all the design programs; Applied Design, Graphics Technology, and Drafting & Design Engineering.
2020 The Applied Design Program was moved to the new main campus, the Advanced Technology Center at the I79 High Tech Park in White Hall
Due to Administrative changes and Covid the 5 year Program Review moved to 2021-2022
2022 - 5 Year Program Review
2022 The Applied Design Program concentrations were reduced from three to two:  Fashion Merchandising and Interior Design

School Appointments


Committees at Pierpont Comm & Tech College:

College Representation & Recognitions

Faculty Leadership and Nominations

Co PI for Project Vision Pilot to submit proposal to the National Science Foundation  The IMPACT Lab, a makerspace in NCWV

Proposal for $350,000

Not funded but encouraged to modify and re-submit the next year


2020 National Society of Leadership & Success

WVU Chapter


2016, '17,'18, '19 Academic Advising Nominee

2014 Pierpont Pride Award 

Recognized by the President of the Pierpont Comm & Tech College for contributions to the institution

2014 NISOD Excellence Award 

(National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development) 


National award from the University of Texas National Institute for Staff for faculty contributions to community college.


2017 Cengage/JFF ARC Grant $25,000.00

2014 WV Community Participation Grant $5,500.00